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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 17, 2013 <br />Page 6 of 15 <br />$45,000 of that amount is fees designated for Open Space and Historic Preservation <br />purposes. Based upon the estimated revenue projection, staff recommended a rebate <br />which included a total of 50% of the City's permit fees, 50% building use taxes paid <br />(excluding the 0.375 % open space tax, 0.125% Historic Preservation tax, water and <br />sewer tap fees, and impact fees) and 50% of the consumer use tax/sales tax paid on <br />durable goods (excluding the same above) based on the costs associated with the new <br />construction and relocation project. This is a total estimated assistance of $393,000. <br />Staff recommended City Council approval of Resolution No. 49, Series 2013, a <br />Business Assistance Agreement with Cable Television Technologies, Inc. <br />APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br />Ted Telford, representing CableLabs, explained they are purely a research and <br />development company, which focuses on creating new technology as well as <br />improvements to existing technology to support the cable television industry. He <br />explained the CableLabs employees are highly skilled and unique in their backgrounds <br />and experience. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Alan Sobel, 1408 Kennedy, Louisville, CO conveyed his thoughts and prayers to those <br />who have suffered in the flooding and his appreciation to the first responders who <br />helped in the recovery process. Mr. Sobel voiced his belief CableLabs is a members' <br />only club /cartel and limited to cable operators, such as Comcast, Time Warner, Cable <br />Vision Systems and Cox Communication, whose goal is to curtail any free market, <br />innovation or lower prices. He stated Comcast refuses to allow Louisville residents to <br />use the 30 -year old TV studio located in Louisville for public access programming and <br />has closed down their Louisville office forcing Louisville residents to travel to Boulder or <br />Thornton to conduct business and yet, spent $30 Billion dollars to acquire theme park, <br />movie studios, broadcast TV stations and movie libraries. He stated CableLabs is <br />asking for $400,000 in tax rebates to help subsidize their cartel and suggested using <br />those funds to assist many of the legitimate businesses who wish to locate in Louisville. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Jasiak had previous experience with CableLabs, and asked if they are <br />still involved in setting the standards for new technologies and whether those standards <br />are just for the larger cable companies or the smaller companies as well. Mr. Telford <br />confirmed the standards are for all cable television companies. <br />Mayor Muckle stated his view is this is a private company, who runs a research facility <br />and brings employment to the community. The same type of assistance would be <br />offered to businesses in the Colorado Technology Center. <br />