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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 4, 2013 <br />Page 3 of 16 <br />a success. Significant modifications were made to the course after the flood, which <br />proved to be advantageous for the spectator's view of the event. He noted this is the <br />third year in a row the men's team won the event and the women's team placed higher <br />than expected, in second place. He thanked Kathy Martin and staff members from <br />Western Golf, Chris Bradford and Eric Jensen, who made sure the event was <br />successful. He stated it was a showcase for the University of Colorado, the City of <br />Louisville and the entire state. He thanked the Mayor, City Council and City Manager for <br />their support. <br />Mayor Muckle thanked Council members Ron Sackett and Frost Yarnell for their service <br />on City Council and their contribution to the community. He reported a reception will be <br />held next Tuesday to honor them and to swear in the new Council members. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Fleming reported the City is asking for volunteers to help on debris <br />collection and trail work this Saturday, November 10. Up to 100 people may volunteer <br />for this project to clean up the Coal Creek Trail by signing up on the City's web page. <br />He reported there will be only a single leaf drop -off area this year at the Waste Water <br />Treatment Plant. In past years, it is believed non - residents and commercial landscaping <br />companies were using the service. The City will evaluate various options and the most <br />cost effective ways to dispose of the leaves. Any public comment about the program <br />will be incorporated into the evaluation. He encouraged the public to mulch the leaves <br />back into their lawns. <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />ADOPTION OF 2014 BUDGET <br />AND 2014 -2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />City Manager Fleming presented the final 2014 Budget and 2014 -2018 Capital <br />Improvement Project Budget. He thanked Finance Director Watson, Deputy City <br />Manager Balser, Human Resources Director Hix and all of the Management Team for <br />their work on the budget. In the next budget cycle, more data and justification for the <br />programs will be presented. Staff recommended the City Council formally approve the <br />2014 budget by adopting the following three resolutions: <br />• Resolution No. 59, Series 2013, summarizing expenditures and revenues for <br />each fund and adopting a budget for the City of Louisville, Colorado for the <br />calendar year beginning the first day of January 2014 and ending the last day of <br />December 2014. <br />