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Local Licensing Authority <br />Minutes <br />January 27, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />legislation to allow transfer applications. He cited code stating the Authority <br />could consider suitability of the applicant when reviewing a transfer application. <br />If any of the items cited as prohibiting ownership of a medical marijuana center <br />were met, a transfer could not be granted. Those items are: criminal history <br />indicating lack of moral character, not a resident of Colorado for 2 years, <br />discharged a sentence for a felony within the past 5 years, or has any felony <br />conviction for use, possession or distribution of a controlled substance, failure to <br />pay child support or failure to pay taxes. He reported as a factual matter, staff <br />has found none of those items apply to the applicant of the proposed transfer. <br />The other factual item for the record, the applicant owns two other marijuana <br />establishments in the state of Colorado. <br />Chairperson Carlson thanked Attorney Light for the background. <br />Laurel Altermangreeted the Authority and reported she had owned and operated <br />Altermeds for several years and would like to retire. She felt the sale to Brian <br />Ruden was an opportunity to leave the business in good hands. <br />Brian Ruden, the applicant, introduced himself to the Authority. He stated he has <br />lived in Colorado for ten years, attended law school at the University of Denver <br />and practiced law here for five years. He becamea partnerin ownershipof a <br />medical marijuana center in Colorado Springs and now owns a center in Denver <br />which recently became a retail business. He asked for the Authority approval of <br />the transfer and reported he would likely apply to convert to retailin the future. <br />Rommelfanger asked if Mr. Ruden was considering moving the location of the <br />center. Mr. Ruden said he had no plans to move the business. <br />Hughes asked if the application had been filed with the State. The answer was <br />not yet. Hughes asked how long the State process might take. Mr. Ruden <br />thought it might only take a couple of weeks. <br />Machado moved the Authority approve a transferof ownershipfor Colorado <br />Health Professionals LLC d/b/a Altermeds. <br />Mr. Ruden stated he had been in contact with the City of Boulder concerning the <br />transfer of ownership for the cultivation facility and they want Mr. Ruden to buy <br />Ms. Alterman’s LLC. That is how the sale will have to take place, Mr. Ruden <br />buying Altermeds LLC so he owns it 100%. <br /> <br />Rommelfanger seconded the motion. <br />Authority Attorney Light proposed friendly amendments to the motion: approval of <br />a transfer of Altermeds LLC to Colorado Health Professionals LLC or if a change <br />of ownership, toMr. Ruden, upon State approval;an amended leaseor other <br />proofof occupancy to cover the length of the license be submitted to the <br /> <br />