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page 2 <br /> ' Carolyn reported that John had given her a rough draft of the citizen's survey, and had <br /> requested additional input. Mary has experience in formulating surveys and volunteered <br /> her expertise in polishing the draft. Jennifer will assist Mary in editing the final survey. <br /> Mission Statement and Goals Report <br /> ' Jennifer synthesized the council's Mission Statement and Goals from the Boulder County <br /> Cultural Facilities Tax District's Mission Statement and Goals, and they were discussed <br /> and modified by the council. Jennifer will provide a final version for the council to be <br /> approved at the next regular meeting. <br /> Carolyn suggested the council will not develop criteria for grant acquisition until after <br /> ' the public hearing on the 24th, when the County Commissioners decide how they will <br /> apportion the County Tax District money. The motion was made by Mary to table this <br /> discussion and seconded by Jennifer. <br /> Business Items <br /> Carolyn announced John will be in Wisconsin for the next three weeks, and Nancy is on <br /> her honeymoon in Europe. <br /> Carolyn introduced two new grant programs offered by the CCAH. The first, entitled <br /> the Summer Activities Grant, would allow an organization with IRS tax-exempt status to <br /> act as a fiscal agent for a non-exempt group's production of a cultural event. Carolyn <br /> ' used the Louisville Art Association as a prime example of how this grant could be used. <br /> The Art Association is in the process of applying to 501 (c) (3) status, however they have <br /> hit quite a few unanticipated snags and may not have their tax code in time for the <br /> ' production of the Fall Festival. If the Arts and Humanities Council does have their tax <br /> status, the Art Association could apply for the grant using the council as a fiscal agent. <br /> The Summer Activities Grant is due 10/01/89, and Carolyn will bring us more information <br /> about the application process at our next meeting. <br /> The Entry Grant Program is another grant offered by the CCAH, and one which would <br /> ' specifically benefit the council. The grant covers administrative and start-up costs of <br /> arts agencies with 501 (c) (3) status. The only requirement is that the applying agency <br /> must agree to receive technical assistance from the CCAH, to assist in the organization <br /> of the group. If an art agency has not yet received tax-exempt status, another agency <br /> ' who does have the IRS tax status can act as their fiscal agent. The application deadline <br /> for this program is 11/01/89. <br /> Carolyn moved to table the discussion on the two grant programs offered by the CCAH <br /> until we could read the packet of information about them and discuss the grants at our <br /> 111 next meeting with pertinent facts available. <br />