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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 20, 2014 <br />Page 15 of 20 <br />1. The Boulder Regional Emergency Telephone Service Authority (BRETSA) and <br />the four Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) commonly known as <br />Communications or Dispatch Centers will continue to keep up with technology <br />needs to meet operational changes and the level of E9 -1 -1 services to our <br />communities can be sustained. <br />2. BRETSA will continue to support and enhance existing PSAP operations and E9- <br />1-1 costs are not redirected to local agencies. An immediate need for radio <br />consoles costing $2.9 million can be met and met without impacting municipal <br />and county budgets. Existing enterprise E9 -1 -1 support & maintenance needs <br />are met and enhanced with dedicated technical support. <br />3. BRETSA would sustain a regionalized and collaborative approach. Continue with <br />economies of scale and efficiencies in procurements. Maintain existing system <br />redundancies and backup of mission - critical applications <br />Without the surcharge increase, BRETSA will not be able to purchase the radio <br />consoles that must be replaced nor provide the much needed in -house technical <br />support for each PSAP. In addition, it will find itself in a position of negative revenue <br />from 2014 on, with its reserves being reduced each year to cover the difference <br />between revenue and operating expenses. BRETSA's ability to handle unforeseen <br />contingencies would eventually become severely compromised. State law requires <br />surcharge rates exceeding 700 must be approved by the Public Utilities Commission <br />(PUC). The application process has already begun and PUC has approved. <br />Staff recommended the City Council approve Ordinance No. 1662, Series 2014. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Muckle asked if the radio console replacements needed by the PSAPs would <br />affect the City. Chief Hayes replied it would in that the City uses the Boulder County <br />dispatch. The purchase would become an asset of the telephone authority. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Mayor Muckle called for public comment and hearing none, called for any further <br />Council discussion. <br />MOTION: Council member Keany moved to approve Ordinance No. 1662, Series 2014 <br />on second and final reading, seconded by Council member Stolzmann. Roll call vote <br />was taken. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. Mayor Pro Tem Dalton absent. <br />