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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 20, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 20 <br />Council member Stolzmann inquired about the recycling money. Public Works Director <br />Kowar replied it was returned to us and put in the solid waste fund. <br />Council member Stolzmann asked about the autumn leaf collection. Public Works <br />Director Kowar responded it would be available in some regard along with determining <br />the disposal of the ash waste. <br />Council member Keany addressed the pricing schedule and noted Republic's price for <br />trash was smaller, but compost price was greater. He asked if the encouragement of <br />compostables was communicated to the applicants. Public Works Director Kowar said <br />it was communicated as a pay as you throw system and reported Republic came with a <br />lot of ideas and excitement over continuing the good work started by Western with the <br />diversion of trash. <br />Council member Lipton noted the cart sizes and asked about the push toward diversion <br />through pricing. Public Works Director Kowar commented if the rate structure needed to <br />be negotiated around bin size with Republic to incentivize diversion; that could be done. <br />Council member Keany wanted to know about Republic's ideas for diversion and <br />education. <br />Mr. Moreno responded diversion is a huge piece of their program with Greenwood <br />Village and Edgewater. Republic partners with them by being available at their festivals <br />and providing education, including at the elementary school level. <br />Council member Lipton asked Public Works Director Kowar if Western got extra points <br />for service, would it change the rank order. The answer was it was not likely to change <br />the rank. <br />Council member Loo felt pricing was driving the process and wondered how much <br />Republic changing to one day pick up would change the ranking. Public Works Director <br />Kowar didn't feel the four day pick -up would increase the actual truck traffic in the <br />neighborhoods. Staff looked for the best price for the trash service with an expectation <br />of good customer service. <br />Council member Lipton enjoyed Western's good customer service but was conflicted <br />since the City issued a RFP; he wanted to be careful about recognizing the responses. <br />He suggested in the future there might be problems if the City changes the evaluation <br />criteria after the initial result. He noted there is discretion for the City Manager to <br />release the City from the contract if there is poor performance by the vendor. He felt <br />staff had done the analysis in good faith. <br />