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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 20, 2014 <br />Page 7 of 20 <br />Council member Loo agreed with Council member Lipton and commented to Republic <br />they were going to need to be better than the best to meet the expectations of the <br />community. <br />Council member Stolzmann addressed the encouragement of diversion. She noted the <br />average cart sizes seemed to be closer in cost until the trash sizes went up. <br />Council member Keany wanted to understand the ability for the City Manager to cancel <br />the contract. He wasn't happy about changing and would like to stay with the local <br />vendor who was very supportive of the community. <br />City Attorney Light spoke to the termination clause. There was a five -year term, <br />annually renewable for TABOR purposes and either party can terminate with six months <br />notice with no reason stated. The City Manager can terminate for breach of contract. If <br />cause exists, it shortens the time period in which termination could become effective. <br />Council member Keany asked about customer service standards. City Manager <br />Fleming pointed to the section of the contract dealing with grounds for termination and <br />noted there would be room for customer service complaints being a part of the <br />consideration for terminating the contract. <br />City Attorney Light agreed there were customer service standards noted in the contract <br />and basis for authority to pursue termination for poor customer relations. <br />Council member Lipton asked about large item pick -ups and how it played into the <br />evaluation. Public Works Director Kowar noted these were included in the evaluation. <br />Mayor Muckle agreed to not changing the evaluation criteria at this point. He felt the <br />price point encouraging diversion was what he cared about more and valued the large <br />pick up service. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Michael Menaker, 1857 Choke Cherry, Louisville, CO felt Western had risen above and <br />beyond and deserved our loyalty. He felt it was okay to admit a mistake and support <br />Western. <br />Council member Lipton didn't feel changing trash vendors would constitute a mistake <br />without knowing the results. <br />R.J. Harrington admitted having not read the RFP but discouraged the multiple pick up <br />days. He took issue with that resulting in the same number of truck trips. He felt he had <br />not engaged enough in the process this time and encouraged Council to remember the <br />public outcry during the last process about multiple pick up days. <br />