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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 19, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />Stewart stated the previous sign contractor had messed up the sign. He stated another <br />sign contractor has stated he could do an assessment for $400 to $500 dollars. <br />Fahey asked staff if they found if any additional funding had been released for the sign. <br />Robinson stated the City had not previously released any money directly related to <br />renovating the sign. <br />Discussion Grain Elevator <br />Randy Carranci presented in regards to the Grain Elevator workshop last Saturday. He <br />stated they are going to bring in the original scales for display and are working towards <br />getting a roofing contractor for the south side. <br />Watson stated he was impressed by the workshop. <br />Update on Alteration Certificate Requests 740 Front <br />Robinson stated everything street facing will remain but they wanted to add to the rear. <br />He stated the subcommittee reviewed the request and approved it. <br />Stewart asked if the rear was just being slid to the east. <br />Robinson answered in the affirmative. <br />Watson asked if there would be any further requests for alteration regarding the facade. <br />Robinson stated it was mostly detail work, nothing major. <br />Stewart stated he would like a new project sign for this project. <br />Robinson stated he would make sure to get one created. <br />Fahey asked if the paintings on the wall were still there. <br />Robinson answered in the affirmative. <br />Discussion/Comments on Planning Department Referrals none <br />Updates Preservation Master Plan <br />Robinson stated he contacted UCD and will be meeting with them in a few weeks to talk <br />th <br />about the project. He mentioned a new employee will be starting on June 16. Her <br />name is Lauren Trice. He stated he has heard good things about her from the <br />employees at SHPO, who had previously worked with her at CPI. <br />Items from Staff - NAPC Forum 2014 July 16-20 <br />