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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 18, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />c. Zoned Residential Low (RL) which requires 70 foot lot width and <br />7,000 SF in lot area; except corner lots require 8,000 SF in lot area. <br />d. The applicant is requesting to subdivide the lot into two lots: Lot 1 <br />will be 65 feet wide, 7,442 SF; Lot 2 will be 60 feet wide, 6,870 SF. <br />e. They are also wishing to retain their existing garage and want it to <br />be considered a principal structure, which requires a rear yard <br />setback variance. <br />f. Both variances are required prior to this request being submitted to <br />Planning Commission. <br />▪ Staff believes all applicable criteria have been met for the lot width and lot area <br />request. However staff does not believe the criteria support the request for a <br />rear yard setback. <br />• Staff recommends approval for lot width and lot area but not rear yard setback. <br />Questions from Board to Staff: <br />Stuart asked if you could see the garage structure from the street. <br />McCartney stated you could see it from the street since the property is on a corner. <br />Applicant Presentation and questions from the Board to the applicant: <br />Andy Johnson, DAJ architects, presented for the owner. He presented the following <br />facts: <br />• Agree with the staff report, wi n to the mar yard setback. <br />• Garage was built 10 years ago as an accessory structure (20:00) <br />• Homeowners want to split property because they no longer want such a large <br />property but would like to continue to live here. <br />• Once the properties are split both houses will face Lincoln, which is the current <br />orientation of all ous- in th' - hborod. <br />• The variance is a uesting <br />principal structure. <br />Questions of Staff /Applicant <br />e second floor of the garage for the <br />Ewy what are the implications of h -fight. <br />McCartney stated an accessory can go 20 feet and a principal can go to 27 feet. <br />Ewy stated the po f height is what concerns her the most. <br />Stuart asked the applicant if the garage height would be increased. <br />Johnson stated the garage will be left alone. <br />Malmquist asked if the new residence would be placed in front of the garage. <br />