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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 13th, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />5) The Urban Drainage Outfall System Plan is back up for review. This is the drainage <br />system that impacts the Harney Lastoka parcel. The plan involves a new canal system <br />and one of its primary goals is to prevent flooding in old town. The current construction <br />estimate is $12.6 million. Cameron from Public Works will be coming to an upcoming <br />meeting to present this plan to OSAB to ask for the board's comments. Public Works <br />also needs to present to Lafayette as they are co- owners of the Harney Lastoka <br />property, so we also could invite Lafayette's Open Space board to our meeting to review. <br />6) The City of Lafayette earned a walkability and wayfinding grant from Kaiser <br />Permanente. It might be interesting to hear about their initiative, providing another <br />motive for a joint meeting with the City of Lafayette's Open Space board. <br />7) Some recent/upcoming education programs by Open Space: <br />-July 31: Nature Games with the Louisville Rec Center Summer Camp ( -60 kids) <br />- August 2nd: Stream Clean Up (12 people) <br />-Sept 6th: Nature Detectives at Daughenbaugh for 7 -12 year olds <br />8) Ember shared photos from the Youth Corp's floating wetland project. <br />9) Staff is working with the County and the City of Lafayette on the water irrigation <br />project from Hecla Lake to Harney Lastoka. <br />10) Catherine is working on a draft of education material for the kiosk at Harper Lake. <br />Let Ember know if you want to be involved. <br />11) Work on the Coal Creek bridge (near Community Park) will begin soon. Public <br />Works will be brining information to the board for review. <br />VI. Board Updates: <br />1) Laura and Tom attended the McCaslin underpass ribbon cutting ceremony. Tom <br />reported that the mood was ebullient. Many thanks to Tom for speaking and introducing <br />the project and the Mayor. <br />2) Christopher reported that the City of Superior bought a parcel of land, and Boulder <br />County bought a conservation easement on it. <br />3) Christopher was in Aspen last week and reports that they have a downtown ice rink <br />that can be converted in the summer to a mini golf course using portable kits. <br />Christopher thought it was a good use of space. It seemed to be a popular attraction <br />and might be a cool idea for downtown Louisville. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: <br />None <br />VIII. Discussion Item: Open Space Wayfinding Inventory <br />Presented by Harlan Vitoff, Open Space Technician <br />Open Space Staff has been taking an inventory of all signs on Open Space property and <br />trails. <br />3 <br />