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Planning Commission <br />Staff Report <br />October 9, 2014 <br />applicant is seeking a payment in lieu option for the remaining 4.3% (2,397 SF) of the <br />15% public land dedication requirement. <br />The applicant provided a letter explaining how they believe the application has complied <br />with LMC Section 16.16.060 (please see the attached letter for details). The Parks and <br />Recreation Department believes the following elements highlighted in the letter are <br />eligible as payment in lieu actions and recommends City Council accept the linear park <br />dedication, it proposed construction and maintenance services as the public land <br />dedication: <br />• The PUD contains a proposed dedication of 5,918 SF for park and right of way. <br />The 5,918 SF amounts to 10.7% dedication or $23,914.56 appraised value; <br />• The developer is proposing to pay for the construction of the linear park and Acme <br />Mine Shaft monument. The estimated cost for these improvements is $56,371; <br />• The developer is proposing to maintain the park for a period of 2 years at an <br />estimated cost of $4,500; and <br />• The developer would also pay for an archaeological survey and excavation <br />monitoring of the site at an estimated cost of $6,600. <br />• The estimated cost for the proposed dedication, improvements and maintenance <br />is $91.385. This would exceed the public land dedication requirement by $57,785 <br />or 272 %. <br />Alley <br />The applicant is proposing an alley will serve as primary access, including trash <br />collection, for each property. This is not a requirement in the LMC and is recognized by <br />staff as being more in character with the Old Town Neighborhood than conventional <br />driveways. The alley has been designed with a turnaround for the trash trucks and <br />emergency vehicles. The alley would be constructed by the developer and maintained <br />by a designated HOA. The Public Works Department and the Louisville Fire District <br />have reviewed and approved the plans for the proposed alley. <br />Storm Water <br />Storm water detention will be handled by an on -site detention pond, located in Tract B. <br />FINAL PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />Existing Conditions <br />The property is located on the southwest corner of Hutchinson Street and Roosevelt <br />Avenue and is currently vacant. As stated earlier, the property is located in the RM <br />zone district and is adjoined by Hutchinson Street and single family homes to the north; <br />Roosevelt Avenue and single family homes to the east; a multi - family development to the <br />south; and, single family structures to the west. An open irrigation lateral cuts through <br />the property from west to east. The irrigation lateral is piped west and east of the <br />property. A 4 -foot attached sidewalk serves the east side of the property. A social trail <br />traverses the property parallel to Hutchinson Street. <br />5 <br />