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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 3, 2014 <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />taking a great risk moving forward with application. He referred to the geotechnical <br />reports, but stated he could not provide any level of confidence at this time. <br />Council member Keany asked if there is a warranty on the improvements in the event of <br />subsidence. Planning and Building Safety Director Russ explained it could be stipulated <br />in the development agreement, but two years is typically the warranty on public <br />improvements. <br />Council member Keany asked if there was not a linear park, what would be the <br />requirement for a sidewalk. Planning and Building Safety Director Russ stated it would <br />either be a four foot detached sidewalk or a five foot attached sidewalk. <br />Council member Keany inquired whether there was any way to address HFAB's <br />concern over the City maintaining the intensive landscaping in two years. Planning and <br />Building Safety Director Russ explained there are a number of stages; the approved <br />PUD, the Subdivision Agreement and construction plans for public improvements. The <br />construction plans would be approved by the Parks and Recreation and the Public <br />Works Department. He stated there is time and opportunity to fine tune the landscape <br />plan prior to issuing a building permit. <br />Mayor Muckle liked the public land dedication, the interpretive park and the monument. <br />He felt the trail is an excellent addition to the neighborhood. He did not agree this would <br />be a private neighborhood park. He supported the public improvement and dedication. <br />He requested a warranty before taking over possession of the park. <br />Mr. Phillips addressed the warranty and explained the most current mitigation occurred <br />in 1998 when the mine was grouted and backfilled. What the developer is required to <br />do is to re- mitigate the mine shaft by re- grouting and backfilling the mine shaft. They <br />will also recap the shaft at a lower grade so it will be covered. <br />Council member Stolzmann inquired whether the alley will be publicly or privately <br />maintained. Mr. Phillips explained the Home Owners Association (HOA) would maintain <br />the alley and noted it is also an access easement for the Mayhoffer Ditch, which will be <br />covered. The HOA will also maintain snow removal on the access easement and the <br />sidewalks. <br />Council member Keany supported the proposal and moving forward. <br />Council member Lipton supported the proposal, but not the appraisal. He noted the staff <br />report indicates if Council believes the property values have increased since the 2013 <br />appraisal staff recommends the City Council require an updated appraisal. He <br />supported an updated appraisal and revising the policy at a later time. <br />