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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />January 7, 2003 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Light stated the current conservation easement prohibits the conveyance of right-of-ways <br />of new roadways. It would not affect the eventual straightening of Dillon Road or <br />granting temporary construction easements. However, an amendment would be required <br />by the City and County to permit any other new right-of-ways or road construction. <br /> <br />Sisk suggested considering as many options as possible and not involving GOCO in the <br />roadway expansion. <br /> <br />Davidson stated that the South Sub Committee has discussed this matter and noted the <br />redevelopment of the STK property will allow better access for Monarch High School. <br /> <br />Brown asked City Attorney Light if there are options for flexibility. Light stated the issue <br />would have to be raised with the County to amend the existing document, and with <br />GOCO to request some flexibility. <br /> <br />Mayer voiced his concern over bisecting open space with a roadway and that the GOCO <br />grant might be at risk. <br /> <br />Simmons explained the Warembourg parcel included a farmhouse and was complicated <br />with a third party conservation easement that would require amendment for GOCO <br />participation. <br /> <br />Keany suggested asking GOCO to consider moving the conservation easement from the <br />Bowes property to the Admore property. He stated that would preserve the potential for a <br />future access, if needed. <br /> <br />Light stated the Admore property consists of two parcels, which would require separate <br />transactions. He noted one portion of the Admore property was not subject to any <br />conservation easements. <br /> <br />Keany stated he was not prepared to move forward with Resolution No. 1, Series 2003. <br /> <br />Van Pelt suggested discussing the options with GOCO. <br /> <br />Brown noted there are also concerns with expansion of 96th Street, on the east side of the <br />Admore property. <br /> <br />MOTION: Davidson moved that Resolution No. 1, Series 2003 be tabled until the next <br />Council meeting, seconded by Sisk. All in favor. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2, SERIES 2003 - A RESOLUTION FINDING <br />SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE FOR AN ANNEXATION PETITION FILED <br />WITH THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO KNOWN AS THE RAY <br />ANNEXATION, AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON <br /> <br /> <br />