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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 17, 2014 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />Stewart stated he agreed with the 180 day stay but asked Fahey to add some reason such as <br />the architectural and social integrity which added to the development of the City of Louisville. <br />Fahey accepted the friendly amendment. <br />Haley seconded the amended motion. <br />The motion carried 4 to 1, with Watson voting nay. <br />Watson asked Lopez to mention to the owners to include some way to either use some of the <br />existing structures or give a nod to the agricultural lifestyle that took place on this property. <br />Updates — Preservation Master Plan with HistoryMatters, LLC <br />Trice stated the consultant is sick tonight, so there will not be a formal presentation. <br />Trice then gave an announcement to the upcoming Preservation Master Plan. <br />Watson asked if the HPC attended the meeting would there be a conflict. <br />Trice stated it is a publicly noticed meeting so there is no conflict. She recommended the HPC <br />attend this public meeting so they can meet with the consultant. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the upcoming public meeting. <br />Watson asked to put this item on the next agenda. <br />Procedural —740 Front Alteration Certificate <br />Trice presented a resolution of denial. <br />Stewart made a motion to approve the resolution of denial. <br />Fahey seconded the motion. <br />Motion for denial was approved unanimously. <br />Discussion — Bylaws <br />Watson asked if Trice had merged the rules of procedure with the Bylaws. <br />Trice stated Scott Robinson did. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the specific details of the amended bylaws. <br />Watson recommended having the City Attorney review these modifications. <br />Trice stated she will get in contact with the City Attorney, as well as check with the State to <br />make sure we are following CLG meeting requirements. <br />