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the background information and then if you so <br />choose to form a committee and try to deal with <br />Superior at that lever, then that would be the <br />approach to take. To discuss it here this <br />evening and appoint a committee, I wouldn't be <br />in favor of that." <br />After discussion, Council decided to continue <br />this meeting to tomorrow and hold an executive <br />session at 7:30 p.m. to discuss this matter. <br />INFORMATION/DIRECTION - LEON A. WURL WILDLIFE SANCTUARY <br />COMMITTEE Pete Clements, representing the Harper <br />Lake/Leon Wurl Wildlife Sanctuary Committee, <br />submitted a proposal for Council's <br />consideration wherein a representative body <br />(committee) would work with the city staff in <br />the development, improvements and maintenance <br />of the Wildlife Sanctuary. Mr. Clements stated <br />that there have been three public meetings at <br />Coal Creek Elementary School regarding <br />improvements to the sanctuary and with phased <br />development of the area based on a five year <br />capital improvement funding. This committee <br />consists of seven voting members representing <br />concerned residents within the immediate Harper <br />Lake area. There would be a non-voting general <br />_ membership consisting of all interested and <br />concerned residents residing in and around the <br />Harper Lake area. Voting members must reside <br />within the immediate Harper Lake area (outlined <br />on a map for Council), must be a homeowner and <br />must request in writing to be on the committee. <br />Mr. Clements stated that the residents would <br />have a greater sense of ownership if they had a <br />say in the decisions pertaining to the <br />development and management of Harper Lake. <br />This committee would serve a a sub-committee <br />attached to both the City of Louisville <br />Planning Committee and the Department of <br />Recreation to serve as a contributing and <br />consulting liaison. <br />Carnival didn't understand why this group felt <br />they needed voting power to give any more input <br />than what they have accomplished thus far. "It <br />sounds that you have been very effective with <br />the meetings that you have had." Carnival <br />stated that the group has expressed its <br />concerns and stated that he is not sure Council <br />can do anything else with the sanctuary other <br />than keep it exactly the way the ordinance <br />stipulates. "I don't have any problem with <br />your presentation here this evening until it <br />gets into the voting part of it. It is a <br />4 <br />