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public park. I think all of the citizens of <br />Louisville should have something to say if they <br />wish to participate." <br />Mr. Clements stated that his concerns are with <br />those people in the immediate area who may not <br />be happy with the direction of the way things <br />are going with this facility. Mr. Clements <br />stated that he wants to give some kind of voice <br />to these people through representation, not by <br />trying to run another governmental agency. <br />Carnival stated that he likes the concept, but <br />does not like the precedent that it might set <br />in the way Council would deal with all of the <br />parks in the City including the Rec Center. <br />Howard stated that it appears to him that in <br />this instance, this particular park has lake <br />front property involved with the homeowners <br />surrounding it and stated it would appear that <br />the people with the maximum economic impact -- <br />certainly if the lake goes down the tubes, <br />their property values aren't going to last very <br />long. "Is that what you are trying to <br />achieve?" <br />Mr. Clements stated that they want to go along <br />with what the City's resolution was in the very <br />beginning. "The City of Louisville has a gem - <br />- a great attribute sitting right out here. We <br />want to protect that as much as the City does <br />and we are not here to cause trouble in that <br />sense." Mr. Clements further stated that it <br />would be beneficial to the City if every park <br />had the kind of involvement his group is <br />displaying here. <br />Hornbostel felt that this was an opportunity <br />that Council should not stifle. The people <br />here are interested and want to be involved and <br />suggested that there should be a way to resolve <br />the issues of concern. Hornbostel felt that <br />some restructuring could help keep the park a <br />City concern, not just a neighborhood concern. <br />Mayor Fauson felt that this committee could <br />convey their concerns to the Councilmembers <br />within their Ward and have that person be their <br />spokesperson to Council. Mayor Fauson felt <br />that there was already fair representation for <br />this group in place by virtue of their Council <br />representative. <br />After further discussion, Council agreed that <br />Mr. Baysinger and the members of this group <br />5 <br />