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cars on his property, feeling they are an eyesore. Sisk asked for <br />a report, as soon as possible, so this can be resolved. <br /> <br />Howard felt that this could have been taken care of months ago. He <br />concurred with Sisk. <br /> <br />Susan Griffiths, City attorney, stated that a copy of the draft <br />letter was circulated. She stated that the agreement will be <br />signed by the corporation that Mr. Morris is the President of and <br />will make the City its agent for the purposes calling private tow <br />companies to tow cars from the lot. She explained that the only <br />question is whether or not the City is willing to accept the <br />liability for that towing. The agreement has been drafted to be as <br />tough as the attorneys can get it to try to avoid additional <br />liability on behalf of the City, but it is going to be very <br />difficult to avoid it entirely. <br /> <br />Lathrop spoke of his concerns on how this reflects on the <br />appearance of Louisville. <br /> <br />Hornbostel stated that she thought this was being taken care of. <br />She felt it had been long and drawn out and the City's credibility <br />was at stake. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION - CML POLICY COMMITTEE <br /> <br />Mayer stated that as the Council's representative to the CML Policy <br />Committee, he will be attending their meeting in Denver this <br />Friday. He explained that at the meetings they make <br />recommendations as to how CML will lobby the legislature. Council <br />had a list of the items for consideration, which will be coming up. <br />He wanted to pay particular attention to House Bill 1055, sponsored <br />by Representative Wright of Boulder, which concerns subdivision <br />regulations applications to school facilities, allowing a school <br />impact fee to be charged. Mayer felt that was important and wanted <br />Council to support that. He asked that Council contact him with <br />their thoughts and concerns before Friday. <br /> <br />Sisk: <br /> <br />Have you obtained the actual Bill <br />that is being proposed? <br /> <br />Mayer stated that he did not have it, but was going to try to <br />obtain a copy. He had just received the information Friday <br />evening. He felt that given the situation with the schools, this <br />Bill represents a significant initiative in the area of <br />overcrowding of schools. <br /> <br />OTteR BUSINESS ARISING AFTER PREPARATION OF AGENDA <br /> <br />Davidson called for any <br />preparation of the Agenda. <br /> <br />other business <br /> <br />arising after the <br /> <br /> <br />