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<br />City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />April 8, 2008 <br />Page 3 of6 <br /> <br />reminded Council about the DRCOG Dinner on April 30th and asked Council <br />members if they had not RSVPed to please do so with Debbie after the meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella asked about the Revenue Stability Work Group Report <br />scheduled for the May 6th City Council Meeting and asked if it might be better to <br />bring it to a Study Session prior to going to a Council Meeting for a more informal <br />discussion. City Manager Fleming concurred that Mayor Pro Tem Marsella's <br />suggestion would be a better process and would make the appropriate changes <br />to the Advance Agenda. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk informed Council that New York City announced that they would not <br />be using the funds allotted to them that the City of Louisville and other cities in <br />the area had applied for last year for the US 36 Project. The Mayor said <br />Governor Ritter had tendered a letter to Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters <br />expressing that the $234 million requested in the last application was still needed <br />for the US 36 Project. If the money is received then that would allow for an <br />HOV/tolllane on both sides of US 36, which would benefit all the cities located <br />along the US 36 corridor. The Mayor said that the hope is that they will use the <br />previously submitted applications and criteria. The Mayor said that Louisville was <br />the sixth on the list. The Mayor said that for 10 years the group of area cities has <br />worked cohesively to get a part of this funding. <br /> <br />4. UpdatelDiscussion - Cultural Council <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested those in attendance introduce themselves. Julie Kovash, <br />President, went through the handout which covered the Cultural Council's 2007 <br />accomplishments and challenges; and their 2008 goals and progress. <br /> <br />Councilor Dalton asked about the Arts Center feasibility study. Don Atwood <br />informed the Council that current Art Center is too small resulting in two Louisville <br />theater companies having to go outside of the City for facilities. Mr. Atwood also <br />said that Boulder County Arts Community also knows there is a need for an Arts <br />Center in east Boulder County. Mr. Atwood said the question is does Louisville <br />want to have the Art Center to meet that need. <br /> <br />Councilor Dalton asked if the Cultural Council had looked for funding sources. <br />Mr. Atwood stated that he felt it is important to first define what we want and he <br />has encouraged people to include everything they would like to see in a new Arts <br />Center because it is easier to cut things out of a plan than to add it later. <br /> <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella asked why the grant funding was down so much. Mr. <br />Atwood said that the grant is 25% of documented income. In the past the Cultural <br />Council claimed income from the Arts Center but last year SCFD told them that <br />they could not claim that. Jim Pollicita, treasurer, said that SCFD did the right <br />thing and he appreciated that the City came through during that time. He told <br />Council that every dollar given by the City equals $1.25 due to the grant in-kind. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk thanked the Cultural Council members for their time and commitment <br />to the arts in Louisville. He commented that part of the Louisville Middle School <br />