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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />October 14th 2015 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />drainage pipe that is flowing onto private property. They believe that the problem is <br />appreciably worse since the parking lot expansion. The letter asks that social trails be <br />closed and re- seeded to reduce storm runoff. They also request that the City move the <br />Dog Off -Leash Area 500 feet to the south to create a buffer between the private property <br />line and the Dog Off -Leash Area. Ember will include the neighbors' letter in the minutes. <br />Mike expressed that he is concerned about the effect the Off -Leash Area is having on its <br />neighbors, but he would strenuously oppose sacrificing more relatively pristine prairie <br />from Davidson Mesa to the Off -Leash Area. He said he would prefer to see the City <br />purchase a less pristine parcel of land for an off -leash area if the Davidson Mesa Off - <br />Leash Area becomes too big of a public nuisance. Mike said that he definitely <br />appreciates Mr. Rasor's input because the Open Space Board tends to think about the <br />Off -Leash Area as it impacts the ecology and management of Davidson Mesa, not about <br />its human impacts. Helen asked Mr. Rasor whether the neighbors or the City have been <br />documenting the trash and water issues. Ember told Mr. Rasor that the City is hoping to <br />address some of the drainage issues this fall /winter if scheduling allows. <br />B. Nickie Dumke (1677 Polk Ave) sent an email to Open Space staff about voles <br />in her backyard. Her house abuts Open Space and she would like to see the City <br />resume mowing behind her fence /property line to reduce her vole infestation. She is <br />concerned about disease from voles. Ember will include her email in the minutes. <br />VIII. Discussions Item: Brief Update on Planning Departments Wayfinding <br />Program <br />Ember shared materials on the current status of the City Planning Department's <br />wayfinding program from Planning staff member Sean McCartney. Some sample <br />concepts were included in the meeting packet. Sean might come to an OSAB meeting <br />in December. The wayfinding plan lists possible destinations to highlight and Ember <br />was concerned about whether OSAB would want Open Space properties listed as <br />destinations, as OSAB has discussed the desirability of this in the past (especially <br />properties without parking lots). She clarified that none of the Planning Department's <br />signs would be placed on Open Space. Christopher expressed concern whether the <br />result would be two parallel wayfinding systems, Open Space's and Planning's without <br />anything in common. Ember answered that Planning had received all of the Open <br />Space's wayfinding materials and tried to use some of the same design elements and <br />materials. Laura was dismayed that in Planning's sample pictures of their system maps <br />they didn't have the Open Space trail system to encourage people to get people out of <br />their cars. She sees citizens using the trail network instead of driving to be one of the <br />major motivations for the wayfinding initiative, so she would like to see Planning's <br />initiative emphasize car -free alternatives, and access to the trail network. Missy <br />suggested that maybe a way forward would be for OSAB members to weigh in on these <br />designs on the as private citizens, Ember said there a link to this presentation at the <br />Planning website and they are still taking public comment. Jeff pointed out that there <br />would not be City money for Planning's wayfinding until 2018, so there is time to get the <br />two wayfinding programs properly in sync. The board would like to meet with Sean in <br />December. <br />IX. Discussions Item: Update on City Council Budget Discussion <br />presented by: Jeff Lipton, City Council & Joe Steven, Director of Parks & <br />Rec. <br />Jeff reported that there have been several City Council meetings about the <br />general budget. Most of the focus was on the general fund, not the Open Space & <br />4 <br />