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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 7, 2015 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Lathrop would like BRaD to look at navigation and configuration of streets downtown. <br />He would like BRaD to look at making Main Street one way and down the road, making <br />it pedestrian only. Then look at McCaslin — especially the west side. The traffic pattern <br />from Spice China going south is very confusing. <br />Pritchard would like to look at Small Area Plans which includes McCaslin. We should <br />consider that area more. There was discussion of McCaslin issues. <br />Council member Maloney would like to review the Charter. <br />Menaker said we have had roundtables and forums and he does not see any political <br />will to change what needs to be changed. The City has spent months to learn South <br />Boulder Road wants under passes. He feels DeJong has had success encouraging <br />primary employment. Can we support change of uses in Centennial Valley? We need <br />to use landscaping and streetscaping and look at what is happening in Superior to <br />leverage all to our benefit. <br />Reichenberg said we are essentially lobbyists to help encourage businesses to <br />implement what we want. Continue to help reach points of clarity. He agreed with <br />Commissioner Menaker that CTC daytime employment is increasing. Wants transit and <br />connectivity at CTC considered. We need to brainstorm then pick two initiatives to focus <br />on for 2016. <br />Mike Kranzdorf would not like to see BRaD give up on things that do not currently have <br />political will. <br />Menaker said: we have two economies. Downtown is somewhat of a tourist town. <br />Challenges along McCaslin are different. The perception that downtown is thriving may <br />be false. He would like to look at budgeting for marketing downtown. <br />Council member Lipton said we have a great community that is well positioned. It is a <br />matter of focus and picking two or three items for BRaD to focus on. 2017 budget will <br />start in early 2016 so if BRaD wants more investment, that request may have to be <br />made early. He said the biggest challenge and opportunity is the former Sam's Club <br />area. We need to give a lot of attention to the critical area. <br />Chair Loo would like to get back to making a lot of retention visits. Feels they are <br />helpful. Commissioner Reichenberg agrees and feels we should take an equal sampling <br />of each business area. <br />RETENTION VISITS <br />Izzio Bakery — looking at $2m investment of new ovens and equipment upgrade. Also <br />looking at Broomfield and Erie. They are in 24 states. They are very bullish on their <br />5 <br />