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Business Retention and Development Committee Agenda and Packet 2016 02 01
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Business Retention and Development Committee Agenda and Packet 2016 02 01
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BRADPKT 2016 02 01
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SUBJECT: <br />DATE: <br />BAP PROGRAM REVIEW <br />FEBRUARY 1, 2016 <br />PAGE3OF4 <br />and tenant improvements could span more than a year, and flexibility is <br />desired to accommodate phased expansions. <br />Implementation of Consumer Use Tax rebates <br />Finance staff has had several years of experience implementing consumer use tax <br />rebates on purchases made having a durable lifespan greater than 3 years. This rebate <br />takes significant staff time to determine the qualifying consumer use tax (and in some <br />cases sales tax) purchases due to the durable goods limitation. <br />Companies are required to provide consumer use tax returns to the City for purchases <br />of goods made outside the City for use within the operation of the business. This <br />includes major equipment, furniture, and fixtures, but also expendable goods such as <br />paper, pens, and even food. The challenge lies in the determination of what is durable <br />versus non - durable within each use tax return provided to the City within the term of the <br />BAP agreement. Basically, the Finance Department and the business must develop a <br />new use tax return list for only durable goods, even though all the information has <br />already been provided, just that durable and non - durable purchases are together. <br />A proposed fix to eliminate significant duplication and review time for staff and the <br />business would be to modify the allowed use tax purchases to all purchases, rather than <br />only durable good purchases. This would create a greater basis for rebate payments. <br />To adjust for this increase, the consumer use tax incentive rebate percentage could be <br />reduced reflect that some purchases are now eligible. We propose reducing the <br />consumer use tax rebate percentage to 40% of all eligible purchases, down from the <br />typical 50% rebate amount. <br />Analyzing proposed BAP assistance agreements <br />When an assistance agreement is brought to City Council for consideration, staff <br />summarizes the new revenues expected to come to the City due to the company's <br />investment in the community. Estimates are also provided for new revenues for open <br />space and historic preservation purposes that are not rebated in accordance with the <br />Municipal Code. For new businesses to town, all revenues are new and would not <br />come to the City if the business didn't come to town. <br />For existing businesses looking to expand in town or relocate to a different location <br />outside of Louisville, staff does not provide a summary of the company's existing <br />revenues to the City which would be lost should the company relocate. We do not do <br />this summary as some revenues are publicly available (property taxes, personal <br />property taxes), and some are personal to the business and the City is obligated to keep <br />those figures private to the business (sales tax, consumer use tax). If staff provided a <br />total estimate of revenues generated by an existing business, one could determine the <br />private amounts by subtracting the publicly available amounts from the total. <br />Other communities when evaluating assistance agreements, perform an economic <br />impact study to determine the direct, indirect, and induced benefits of the project to the <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />10 <br />
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