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RESOLUTION #l, SERIES 1988 - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH <br />SUBDIVISION Wanush explained that the applicant, the First <br />Baptist Church, is requesting a subdivision of a 5.1 <br />acre parcel located at 200 W. South Boulder Road. <br />The existing church would remain on a 3.6 acre lot. <br />The 1.5 acre lot is then proposed for use as an <br />alternate care facility for senior citizens. <br />Council first reviewed this at their December 15, <br />1987, meeting and voiced concerns regarding the <br />alignment of the roadway into the site and suggested <br />that the road could be realigned to the opposite <br />side of the buildings so that approaching vehicles' <br />lights would not shine directly onto houses directly <br />south of this proposed Home. Also, not included on <br />the plat, was the question of signage. A third <br />concern was the absence on the plat of handicapped <br />parking. Although these issues relate directly to <br />Resolution #2 (following), Council felt they should <br />be dealt with prior to approving the subdivision of <br />this parcel. <br />Wanush stated that a new site plan has been <br />submitted reflecting the changes requested. by <br />Council. In addition, the applicant indicated that <br />there would be a road base driveway. Staff feels <br />that it should be paved in either asphalt or <br />concrete and suggests that Council's approval should <br />include this condition. Also, staff recommends that <br />the required landscaping and parking be required at <br />each phase of the pz°oject and become a condition of <br />the approval. Wanush wanted to make clear that the <br />maintenance of the driveway, including snow removal, <br />should be the responsibility of the applicant, not <br />the City. Wanush stated that the driveway as shown <br />on the new site plan actually crosses the Baptist <br />Church property and will require some type of <br />easement agreement and to date Wanush has not <br />received word that they are willing to provide that. <br />Although Wanush feels that they will most likely be <br />willing to provide that, the acquisition of that <br />easement should be a condition of approval also. <br />Anderson stated that he appreciated the work that <br />went into his inquiry to determine if the roadway <br />could be relocated. Anderson feels that it is a <br />better plan with the relocation. With regard to the <br />signage, the proposed sign is on the Baptist Church <br />property and the applicant must obtain permission <br />from the property owner. Another concern Anderson <br />voiced was that of the setback of the buildings. <br />Anderson asked if the setback could be expanded to <br />20 feet instead of t:he proposed 15 feet now that the <br />realignment of the :road would allow it. <br />2 <br />