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northwest Denver Metro area. The City received a <br />letter from Mayor George Hovorka requesting <br />participation from :Louisville and stated the Policy <br />Committee will review data and recommendations on <br />alignment, technology, costs and financing <br />alternatives and thE~n make recommendations on an <br />implementation program to the RTD Board of <br />Directors. <br />Mayor Fauson will serve on the Northwest Corridor <br />Policy Committee with Rich Wanush and Terry Hundley <br />as alternatives. <br />RESOLUTION #19 - MENKICK WEST <br />ANNEXATION Rautenstraus read iri its entirety Resolution #19, "A <br />Resolution of the City Council of the City of <br />Louisville finding ~~ubstantial compliance of an <br />annexation petition filed by George F. Menkick and <br />Kyung S. Menkick and initiating annexation <br />proceedings for certain property and establishing a <br />time fora public hearing to determine if the <br />proposed annexation complies with statutory <br />requirements." <br />Wanush explained whE:re the property was located and <br />recommended that the annexation request be forwarded <br />to the Planning Commission. <br />Mayor Fauson moved ghat Resolution #19, Series 1987, <br />be adopted. Mohr seconded. The motion was approved <br />unanimously. <br />ANNEXATION REFERRAL - <br />ANDERSON Wanush stated that a letter was received from Derek <br />and Cara Anderson requesting annexation of a 4.2 <br />acre parcel located adjacent to McCaslin Blvd just <br />west of Harper Lake. The parcel contains their <br />single family residence and no special zoning <br />required beyond what. is needed for their residence. <br />Staff recommends referral to the Planning <br />Commission . <br />Mayor Fauson moved that the Anderson annexation <br />request to referred to the Planning Commission. <br />Szymanski seconded. Unanimous. <br />ANNEXATION REFERRAL - <br />MORRISON Wanush explained that a letter from John A. and <br />Norma A. Morrison was received requesting annexation <br />of approximately 80 acres located on the southwest <br />corner of South 96th Street and Dillon Road. The <br />applicant requests Rlt zoning with minimum lot sizes <br />of 40,000 s.f. Staff recommends referral to the <br />Planning Commission. <br />5 <br />