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tax, 3) privilege of employment (head) tax, 4) <br />privilege of conducting a business tax, and 5) pro- <br />vision for local improvement district which would <br />require a vote of the people in the proposed <br />district. <br />Mayor Fauson opened'. the discussion for public <br />comments. Several citizens spoke both in favor of <br />and in opposition to the recommended alignment. <br />Elizabeth Nick, 174 So. Hoover Ave., stated that she <br />is in opposition to the proposed routes through <br />Louisville, specifically opposed to the northwest <br />route as many Louisville homeowners live within the <br />1 1/2 mile Authority. According to S.B. 247, there <br />is a possibility that residents living within this <br />boundary will have 'to pay more taxes than other <br />residents living in Louisville. The financing of <br />the project was a major concern of Ms. Nick stating <br />that the tax burden will fall upon residents of <br />cities who are in the Authority. Ms. Nick urged the <br />Mayor and Council to question the Authority which <br />methods they propose to use to finance the project. <br />"Taxpayers have thE~ right to know who is going to be <br />taxed and how they will be taxed to pay for this <br />highway. As a taxpayer residing within the proposed <br />boundaries of the Authority, I urge you to oppose <br />the proposed northwest route through the City of <br />Louisville." <br />Isidore Hauser, 1615 Cottonwood Dr. #8, expressed <br />his feeling that thE~ "whole question of W-470 <br />should be reconsidered and the question of the <br />funding should be made more specific." Mr. Hauser <br />feels that the issue' of taxing/funding is too <br />vague. <br />Jane Monson, 631 W. Aspen Ct., stated that there are <br />many unanswered questions about the need and <br />desirability of W-4'70. "I am still not convinced <br />that 470 is the besi~ solution for Denver's transpor- <br />tation needs. Alternatives to 470 have not been <br />considered up to this date." Ms. Monson also ex- <br />pressed concern over funding for the project. The <br />proposed cost of thE~ project continues to escalate <br />and Ms. Monson questtions how it will be funded and <br />who will have to ultimately pay. Ms. Monson <br />questioned, "Do those of us living along 470 have to <br />foot the bill for this thing?" <br />Several other residE~nts expressed concerns over the <br />issue of taxing/funciing, alignment and need/desire <br />of the project. Several residents stated that more <br />studies need to be conducted before making any <br />decisions regarding the project. <br />3 <br />