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City Council Minutes 2016 04 19
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2016 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2016 04 19
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CCMIN 2016 04 19
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 19, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 17 <br />developments wanted to redevelop, under the current rules, they would have to apply <br />for a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a new Special Review Use (SRU). <br />Staff wanted clarification from Council if the direction was to remove the possibility <br />existing residential properties could redevelop as new residential properties. Would <br />they lose their right for residential use or would they be grandfathered in and keep <br />existing rights to their current residential density. <br />Mayor Muckle called for Council questions <br />COUNCIL QUESTIONS <br />Council member Loo asked City Attorney Light to comment on the legality of the <br />changes if a person had a previous understanding of what they could do. City Attorney <br />Light noted for those who have taken a development proposal and implemented by <br />obtaining building permits, they have a lawful use or a lawful non - conforming use <br />depending on the codes. He stated the adoption of the small area plan is not <br />regulatory. Staffs desire for direction is on the next activity, for possible legislation to <br />implement the small area plan. If the vision is to not to allow SRU's for residential, staff <br />would work on regulations to provide for that. Approval of the small area plan is not <br />changing the zoning code. He laid out some hypotheticals and noted it would depend <br />on the legislation coming out of implementation of the small area plan. If the Council <br />wanted a regulatory mechanism to move existing residential upon redevelopment to a <br />different use, there would be some overlay regulation like the mixed use regulations for <br />the Hwy. 42 area. Implementing certain uses in the future could no longer occur. <br />Another regulatory approach would be considering uses as they are now but state if you <br />prohibit residential they become legal non - conforming uses and then decide if there is a <br />grandfathering concept to consider. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton sensed there was no intent to change existing entitlements, but <br />under redevelopment could there be a limit imposed on what might be requested <br />through the SRU. <br />City Attorney Light stated yes, through some sort of regulatory change. The regulatory <br />change would take place after the plan is adopted. <br />Council member Loo asked if one of the developments named in the staff report has <br />150 units now and submits redevelopment plans, could legislation be drafted that would <br />allow the same 150 units and then Council could determine the number of stories. <br />City Attorney Light answered yes, this could be an option. He noted there would be any <br />number of items where legislative action could be drafted <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton hoped to give staff some general direction He asked if the <br />possibility of SRU's could be removed or if there is some vested right under zoning for <br />property owners to seek higher density through the SRU process. <br />
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