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City Council Minutes 2016 04 19
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2016 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2016 04 19
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CCMIN 2016 04 19
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Apnl 19, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 17 <br />City Attorney Light noted it was a hard question to answer in general; each specific ask <br />would have to be looked at, amended and applied to the parcel. <br />Mayor Muckle noted the citizens concern about high density development and the <br />potential of commercial becoming residential. He understood there was discussion of <br />the Comprehensive Plan having language to affect future SRU's being in conflict with <br />the Comp Plan. <br />Planner Robinson stated just changing language in the small area plan and the <br />Comprehensive Plan leaves you in a gray area, because of the language about the <br />SRU having to be compatible with the Comp Plan. Zoning allows one thing, and the <br />Comp Plan as a policy document says something different The recommendation is <br />once the small area plan is adopted to come back with regulatory change so everything <br />lines up and property owners know what their rights are. <br />Council member Stolzmann wanted to give clear direction on zoning on the property's <br />current uses and if redeveloped, could they retain those uses. She supported not having <br />to change uses with future redevelopment. <br />Mayor Muckle agreed existing could be redeveloped at the same level <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton wanted to allow redevelopment at current density but not allow <br />raising the density. <br />Mayor Muckle asked if there was consensus on this issue. <br />Council member Loo felt there was consensus from the community to not see any more <br />high density developments in this area. However, throwing out the SRU process is not <br />the answer. If a developer brings a high density development, it would probably be <br />defeated She supported leaving the SRU process in place as a tool. <br />Council member Leh felt the arguments were compelling to leave out the SRU process <br />in this area. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton wanted to leave SRU rules alone and in the Comp Plan it would <br />have to be compatible. Most high density residential would not meet the Comp Plan <br />guidelines <br />Council member Leh thought the question was whether the SRU process was going to <br />be used in this area. He didn't want the process removed entirely, but include language <br />to effectively remove it from the area. He thought the consensus at the last meeting <br />was the SRU process was not even going to be a possibility <br />
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