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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Members reiterated the policy that street maintenance is the first priority of the Council <br />and the policy is to budget enough for maintaining an average of 75 PCI with no street <br />lower than 35. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked why there had been so many changes to the Highway 42 <br />projects. City Manager Fleming stated those projects were moved or changed to <br />balance the budget for paving. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked if our funding partners <br />were ok with the changes. He noted Boulder County is a partner for the underpass at <br />Highway 42 and Hecla Drive. Fleming stated Boulder County is ok with this project <br />being moved to 2019. <br />Mayor Muckle stated that residents will be unhappy about pushing the underpass <br />between Steel Ranch and North End back to 2019. Many residents want that done as <br />soon as possible. Keany agreed. He stated the Steel Ranch residents want it done <br />sooner. <br />Deputy City Manager Balser stated the proposed budget includes design work in 2018 <br />and construction of the underpass now in 2019. These costs are allocated to the Open <br />Space Fund as it is connecting two open space areas. Councilmember Keany would <br />like the underpass designed in 2017 and built in 2018. This conversation will continue at <br />the discussion on August 30 when the Open Space Fund is discussed. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked if there is a possibility for an at -grade railroad <br />crossing in place of the Steel Ranch underpass. Members agreed to discuss it further at <br />a later date. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked for LED street lights to be prioritized. City Manager <br />Fleming stated the City is already working with Xcel on this. Members agreed it should <br />be a priority. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked for a policy for changing over more of the fleet to <br />electric vehicles. Members agreed to continue this conversation when the Council sets <br />goals and priorities. <br />Members discussed the funding for the museum campus plan, what it would be used <br />for, and what information the final product would contain. Members decided to leave the <br />funding as is in the proposed budget so that the conceptual design process and opinion <br />surveying could begin in 2017. <br />Councilmember Loo asked how the line items for recreation equipment would fit in with <br />expanding the Recreation Center should the bond issue pass. Director Stevens noted <br />the items included in the proposed budget are maintenance items needed regardless of <br />if a new Center is approved or not. Members agreed that should the bond issue pass <br />some of these items may need to be moved or amended. <br />