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heating, staff recommended that Council accept a motion to continue the public hearing to November <br />1 and refer the question back to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Davidson called for the applicant's presentation. <br /> <br />Chuck Bellock, representing Knollwood Associates, requested a continuance to the October 18 <br />Council meeting to address concerns raised by the Planning Commission, a copy of which they had <br />just received. They wished to continue their dialogue with the District. He asked to have this move <br />forward without going back to the Planning Commission. He commented that they are not proposing <br />any material changes to their project plan that would warrant a Planning Commission review. He <br />asked that the Council consider a study session on October 12 on this project. <br /> <br />Davidson opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Michael Sheldon, 7951 East Maplewood, Greenwood Village, Colorado, attorney for Mohawk <br />Investment Company and Senaca Investment Company, the principles known to Council as Bob <br />Motlong and Dr. Peter Maniatis, stated that they had met with Mr. Bellock and his partners in an <br />effort to work out compatibility. He felt this matter should be denied. If there is new information, <br />let it be stated now. <br /> <br />Wayne Monson, Contract Manager for Colorado Tech Center Metropolitan District, 6200 South <br />Syracuse Way, Greenwood Village, stated that the District had concerns about this proposed <br />rezoning. He assured Council that contrary to a letter sent by the applicant, the District is not in <br />financial trouble. The District's debt is structured with level debt payments for the term of the bonds. <br />He stated that Mr. Bellock had promised the District some financial information regarding the impact <br />on the District of his development, which he has failed to do. He commented that there is reason to <br />believe that the financial implications would be negative on the District. The District is concerned <br />about the development, because of being concerned about loss of control of the District. The District <br />was concerned that the residential would bring a constituency to the District that might have a <br />different agenda regarding the build-out of the District, as contemplated. If the zoning was approved, <br />he asked the city to work with the District on some off-setting payments, so the property would still <br />pay its share of the District's costs and debts, as was originally anticipated. <br /> <br />Davidson called for anyone else wishing to speak on Ordinance No. 1162. <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />Davidson closed the public hearing and called for Council comments and questions. <br /> <br />Howard wondered if there would be any new information on this coming before Council. <br /> <br />Bellock stated that there would be no new information, just information to clarify concerns previously <br />raised. He stated that they had contacted several of the adjacent property owners, all of which were <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />