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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 6, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 15 <br />in the area: 1) sense of community, 2) sustainability, and 3) unique commercial areas <br />and distinctive neighborhoods. This led to the creation of the project principals: <br />• Promote development to meet fiscal and economic goals <br />• Encourage desired uses <br />• Improve connectivity and accessibility <br />• Enhance bicycle and pedestrian connections <br />• Create public and private gathering spaces <br />• Create design regulations that reflect community vision and promote creative <br />design including limiting density in transition areas <br />Director Zuccaro stated changes since the November 1 meeting are: removal of the <br />roundabout at Dahlia and Cherry; and removal of mixed use residential on the east side <br />of McCaslin. Since the October 18th meeting changes include removal of the lane <br />reduction on McCaslin Boulevard; removal of the reduction of Cherry Street to one lane <br />east of Dahlia; and revision of the statement on the creation of residential standards <br />from "should" to "will." Everything else remains the same from November 1. <br />He added the Finance Committee asked for more information about the land use <br />assumptions that are the basis for the fiscal analysis. Staff evaluated current conditions <br />in the area and compared them to the assumptions from the Plan and also looked at <br />alternative assumptions that more closely reflect current conditions to get a feel for what <br />could happen in the next 20 years. He noted the fiscal analysis is not intended to predict <br />the building that may or may not occur, but rather it is to be used as a tool to understand <br />what fiscal impacts there could be depending on what kind of development occurs. <br />Director Zuccaro stated this item could be adopted as presented this evening or with <br />Council directing specific changes before publication or could be continued if there are <br />items that need to be addressed or changed or additional information Councilmembers <br />would like. <br />Jeff Sheets, Koelbel and Company, 5291 East Yale Avenue, Denver, presented the <br />Council with some proposed redesign ideas for Centennial Parkway. He stated that as <br />Centennial Parkway is in need of resurfacing, Koelbel is interested in partnering with the <br />City to redesign the road to reduce speeds and encourage a more pedestrian -friendly <br />environment. The proposal includes a large median, a 12 -foot travel lane, a five-foot <br />bike lane, and a parking lane. It keeps the left-hand tum lanes and keeps the lane <br />configuration at the Via Appia and Cherry Street intersection. <br />Mr. Sheets noted some prospective tenants (particularly tech companies) have told <br />them they would like more parking than the current configuration allows which is one <br />reason they are interested in the reconfiguration with additional parking. He stated <br />Koelbel passes on those tenants as they can't meet that parking need. The proposal <br />would add about 265 parking spaces and would include the addition of pocket parks in <br />