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SUBJECT: DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — LIVABLE WAGE OVERVIEW AND OPTIONS <br />DATE: MARCH 14, 2017 <br />PAGE 6 OF 12 <br />o As part of the 2018 budget process <br />o Other ideas? <br />• Provide time for supervisors to gain feedback from their employees to review and <br />present the same information. <br />• Gather details about issues that arose from these discussions and try to work <br />through issues such as compression and unfairness issues to address them in <br />the beginning of the process. <br />• Circle back with supervisors and employees to share solutions for issues brought <br />forward. <br />• Meet with ALL City employees to present information regarding new pay <br />philosophy and livable wage standard for the City. Transparency with pay is one <br />of the tenants of best practices for compensation in an organization. (See <br />Terminology section to review "Levels of Transparency" for compensation). <br />• Determine time frame for implementation based on feedback from supervisors <br />and budgetary considerations. <br />Option 2: Bring City of Louisville Full Time Employees and Benefitted Part -Time <br />Employees (30 - 40 hours per week) up at least the $15.67 hourly wage. <br />Pros: <br />• This option has minimal impacts on the City as there are currently only five (5) <br />employees who are full time or benefitted part-time employees and are making <br />less than $15.67 per hour. Four of those employees are in the Golf Enterprise <br />Fund and one employee is in the General Fund. <br />• This option would have minimal compression issues as the remaining 180 Full <br />Time or Benefitted Part -Time employees are above the $15.67 per hour livable <br />wage standard. <br />Cons: <br />• This option may not address the desire to have more part-time/variable (29 hours <br />or below) employees at a livable wage. <br />• May not address concerns regarding benefit eligibility for those 29 hours or less. <br />• Increasing wages in the Golf Course Enterprise fund without adjusting <br />expectations regarding sustainability would have additional impacts to the <br />budget. <br />• Unfairness or equity issues could arise as five golf course enterprise employees <br />with benefits would be making about $5 - $6 more per hour than the golf course <br />part-time/variable hour employees or seasonal golf course employees. Most of <br />the City's seasonal golf employees are making between $10 — 12 per hour. <br />Policy considerations: <br />• Should the Livable Wage standard not be applied to the Golf Course Enterprise <br />Fund due to budgetary concerns? <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />