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SUBJECT: DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — LIVABLE WAGE OVERVIEW AND OPTIONS <br />DATE: MARCH 14, 2017 <br />PAGE 7 OF 12 <br />• Since the SSS standard is only updated on a 5 year schedule, what methodology <br />would we use to adjust the wages on an annual basis? Or should we adjust <br />wages only when the livable wage adjusts? Answers to these questions would <br />change the pay philosophy of the City and its current practices <br />• Should we budget City funds to assist with funding the SSS analysis every 5 <br />years? <br />Cost Estimate: <br />The cost estimate to increase the five (5) employees to the livable wage of $15.67 per <br />hour is $18,198 in wages, $1,392 in FICA, for an estimated grand total of $19,590 <br />annually in 2018 and subsequent years. <br />Recommendation for Implementation: <br />• This option could be implemented within a two week time frame and the costs <br />could be absorbed in the 2017 budget. Budget amendments would need to be <br />added to both the Golf Course Enterprise Fund and the General Fund during the <br />budget amendment process in May of 2017. <br />• Discussions with supervisors would need to occur prior to implementing this <br />option so information could be shared with the affected employees and other <br />staff members. <br />• Meet with ALL City employees to present information regarding new pay <br />philosophy and livable wage standard for the City for this group of employees. <br />Transparency with pay is one of the tenants of best practices for compensation in <br />an organization. <br />Option 3: Use Colorado Self -Sufficiency Standard (SSS) as the wage standard for ALL <br />City of Louisville positions in order to maintain wage fairness and avoid wage <br />compression issues. <br />Pros: <br />• Makes the livable wage the prevailing wage across all categories of employees <br />and avoids compression issues. <br />• Likely to increase satisfaction levels among employees. <br />• Pay practices would be similar to the City of Boulder and Boulder County. <br />Cons: <br />• This is a very expensive option to implement. <br />• It is likely a new funding source would need to be identified for this to be <br />sustainable in the long term. <br />• Addressing compression issues causes all salary categories to increase, <br />including the upper salary ranges, which may not be the desired result. <br />• This option would change the current pay philosophy by placing less emphasis <br />on pay for performance or merit increases. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />