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one thing that is significant, they (Sterling) don't, within their <br />code, have the detail or level of detail that the other codes do. <br />Sterling's pages are not numbered. They refer to section numbers. <br />He explained that if you replace the pages, you just have to find <br />the right page in the section. He didn't feel that they have as <br />much detail regarding the authority of each section, where it came <br />from. In the code itself it should have a table that shows the <br />ordinances and where those ordinances are contained within the <br />code. He felt there is quite a bit of difference in the way the <br />codes are completed and what the code is like when it is finished. <br />He stated that within CCPC proposal they proposed that they would <br />complete the code at a firm bid regardless of the number of pages, <br />in two column format, on one side of the page. If you print the <br />code on two (2) sides of the page, it will increase the <br />supplementation costs by about 1/3, because you will be replacing <br />backside pages and paying another $20.00 per page for that. He <br />stated that on every tab within the code, they have every section <br />identified in a table of contents. He felt there is quite a <br />difference in what CCPC was offering. <br /> <br />Davidson asked Council, if it was their desire to have the other <br />potential codifiers come and present their proposals to Council? <br />He asked, if someone would want to make a motion to continue this <br />to the next meeting and invite the other potential contractors? <br /> <br />Mayer: I move just what you said, Mr. <br /> Mayor. <br /> <br />Howard: So moved. <br /> <br />Seconded by Hornbostel. Ail in favor. <br /> <br />Annette Brand, City Attorney, suggested that perhaps the City <br />Attorney could have a format for the presenters to follow, so that <br />everyone presents the same assets. <br /> <br />OTHER REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS ARISING AFTER PREPARATION OF AGENDA <br /> <br />Davidson called for anyone who had any other regular business <br />arising after the preparation of the Agenda. <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br /> <br />Annette Brand, City Administrator, reminded Council that the City <br />is continuing a joint meeting with the Planning Commission, <br />Thursday, September 13, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br /> <br />