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Wood stated that in review of the previous Planning Commission <br />Resolution No. 23, one condition was not carried forward to the <br />Council that should have been, which is that the applicant provide <br />a more specific phasing plan regarding C.O.'s by a quarterly or <br />annual basis. <br /> <br />Clifton Carney, 1506 Fillmore Court, Louisville, CO, spoke of his <br />opposition to the proposed housing development on sled hill. He <br />stated that while other municipalities dream of having open space, <br />this piece of property is essentially that. He spoke of the rarity <br />of having foxes in one's community, also. He commented that he <br />felt growth was out of control in Louisville and that he was <br />concerned about the overcrowding of the schools. He stated that, <br />concerning the citizens meeting that was called at the Recreation <br />Center, most of the citizens who were opposed to this development <br />attended that meeting. He felt that the Mayor was telling them at <br />the meeting that this was a "done deal", because Sheffield had done <br />everything possible and that they should respect that and go on <br />about their business. He stated that that was the impression that <br />the Mayor left the people at the meeting with, so the people had <br />given up. He asked the Council to represent the City, as they did <br />the last time by again saying "no". <br /> <br />Lin Daly, 1420 Fillmore Place, Louisville, CO, explained that she <br />was disappointed. She felt Louisville is loosing something that <br />they won't get back. She had a letter from the Division of <br />Wildlife, which said that the only time that development can take <br />place without possibly of killing the foxes is between October and <br />January. She wanted to know that something is going to be done .... <br />that when the earth moving equipment comes in, they don't just run <br />over the dens and kill the foxes. She wanted the neighbors to be <br />closely advised by the developer as to what is going to happen and <br />when, so they can keep abreast of things. <br /> <br />Kix~ McCloskey, 1491 North Fillmore Place, Louisville, CO, stated <br />that the reality of the school situation has only worsened, since <br />the November election and she didn't feel "phasing" would be enough <br />to help. She asked that Council work closely with the School <br />District to come to some permanent solution to this problem. She <br />stated that there must be a balance between growth and providing <br />for a community that already resides in Louisville, without <br />conpromising their children's education and future. <br /> <br />Davidson called for anyone else in the audience who wished to speak <br />in favor or against this issue. <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />Davidson asked if there was a response from the applicant to the <br />respondents. <br /> <br /> <br />