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SUBJECT: POLICE MASTER PLAN WITH COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS <br />DATE: MAY 9, 2017 <br />PAGE 3 OF 17 <br />Cons: <br />The City of Boulder population is roughly 105,000 which is very dissimilar to <br />Louisville's 20,000+ population. The duties and experiences of police officers in <br />each community are different based on size alone. <br />Policy considerations: <br />If we add the City of Boulder to Sworn Officers salary survey process, should we <br />add the City of Boulder to the salary survey process for all City positions? <br />Cost: Currently, there would be no cost differences to add the City of Boulder to the <br />salary survey for Sworn Officers because Louisville's compensation would still be within <br />4% of the Median for comparable jurisdictions, even when Boulder is included. <br />Recommendation for Implementation: <br />Complete Total Compensation study as part of the recommendations and <br />changes for the 2018 Budget. <br />Possible changes in wages would take effect in January 2018. <br />Option 2: Add the cities within a 20 mile radius of Louisville to our Total <br />Compensation process for Sworn Officer positions. <br />Pros. <br />Become more competitive in the region for Sworn Officer positions. <br />Employees do commute in the Denver/Boulder regions to obtain the best paying <br />job. <br />Cons: <br />Populations and types of calls vary within the cities. The duties and experiences <br />of police officers in each community are different based on size and demographic <br />make-up. <br />Policy Considerations: <br />If we add the City of Boulder to Sworn Officers Total Compensation process, <br />should we add the City of Boulder to the Total Compensation process for all City <br />positions? <br />Cost: Currently, there are no cost differences when adding cities within a 20 mile radius <br />of the City of Louisville to the salary survey for Sworn Officers. Staff does anticipate <br />there would be additional costs for adding these cities to the overall salary survey <br />process for all City positions. More details will be available during the budget process if <br />this option is chosen. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />