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area be left as is. <br />8) Drive Only in Approved Areas. Grantee shall drive and park vehicles only in areas <br />pre -approved by County. Grantee shall not drive or park vehicles in areas where <br />vegetation is tall enough it could reach the underside of the vehicle and potentially <br />spark a fire. <br />9) Wash Vehicles and Equipment to Control Weeds. Grantee shall use best management <br />practices to control weeds, including power washing vehicles and cleaning them of <br />mud and vegetation prior to entering the Open Space. Grantee shall sanitize all <br />irrigation boots, shovels, and other tools that will touch water or soil prior to entering <br />the Open Space to prevent transfer of material and weed seed in from other project <br />sites. <br />10) Contain Pollutants. Grantee shall use best management practices to prevent pollutants <br />from entering storm drains or watercourses and for preventing erosion from wind and <br />water. This may include measures to prevent wind erosion during the winter if project <br />timing does not allow for immediate planting or reclamation. Grantee shall confirm <br />the adequacy of all erosion methods with the County's Primary Contact prior to <br />beginning work. <br />11) Manage Litter, Sanitation, Waste and Toxic Materials. Grantee shall control litter, <br />provide proper sanitation, properly manage any waste fluids and toxic substances, and <br />properly dispose of all waste materials, including wastes generated by the <br />implementation of best management practices. Grantee shall not maintain any <br />machinery or vehicles within the Easement Area or upon the Open Space. <br />12) No Smoking. Grantee shall not smoke on Open Space property, because smoking <br />creates opportunities for damaging the Open Space. Disposing of cigarette butts on <br />Open Space is littering, and violators may be ticketed pursuant to Boulder County <br />Parks and Open Space regulations. <br />13) No Pets. To protect the wildlife habitat and related resources of the Easement Area, <br />Open Space and neighboring properties, pets are not allowed on the Open Space or in <br />the Easement Area, even in vehicles, and violators may be ticketed pursuant to <br />Boulder County Parks and Open Space regulations. <br />5. Completion of Work. Upon completion of the project, Grantee shall remove all equipment, <br />materials and supplies and shall leave the Open Space in its original or better condition and <br />void of all hazards, including but not limited to hazardous changes in topography, such as <br />holes, ruts and dirt piles. <br />Callahan Open Space Access and Utility Easement <br />15 <br />