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includes the trench area and any areas on either side of the trench that will be impacted in any <br />way (including by vehicle traffic) by pipeline construction. <br />1.0 Topsoil Removal and Storage <br />The Grantee shall comply with State of Colorado storm water management practices and shall <br />bear the ultimate responsibility for providing adequate dust, erosion, and water quality controls <br />throughout the duration of the project <br />Topsoil should be removed by a front-end loader (preferred method) or grader. Under no <br />circumstances should topsoil be removed under wet soil moisture conditions. The County's <br />Primary Contact can provide assistance in determining topsoil depth and proper removal. The <br />depth of the topsoil layer may vary. Topsoil may be delineated from the subsoil by a higher <br />organic matter content (usually, but not always, indicated by a darker color) and a relatively <br />loose and friable soil structure. The Primary Contact should be present at the site as topsoil <br />removal is initiated to determine average topsoil depth. Typically, topsoil is between 4 and 8 <br />inches in depth. Topsoil should be placed to one side of the disturbed area to protect it from <br />vehicles and erosion. <br />Any subsoil removed should be placed in an area that is separate from the topsoil and with soil <br />horizons preserved in the order of original state. Under no circumstances shall subsoil be <br />mixed with topsoil, and subsoil shall not be placed on top of the topsoil. The topsoil shall be <br />protected from contamination by subsoil material, weeds, etc. and from compaction by <br />construction equipment and vehicles. <br />2.0 Backfilling, Ripping/Relieving Compaction, and Grading <br />The following activities must occur prior to redistribution of topsoil. <br />Backfilling <br />If the disturbance involves an excavation in excess of approximately 24" deep, the Grantee <br />agrees to refill excavations with the removed native soil and with the soil horizons replaced in <br />the order of original state. No new soils shall be imported to the site without County approval. <br />The Grantee shall ensure that areas it disturbs do not subside significantly over time and that <br />overall compaction of the top 24" of soil is not restrictive to root growth of plants. Following <br />compaction of the backfill, the Primary Contact will determine if ripping/sub-soiling and <br />chiseling is necessary to relieve soil compaction in the root zone to accommodate root growth <br />and soil water holding capacity. <br />Ripping/Relieving Compaction <br />If deemed necessary, ripping/sub-soiling must be done to a minimum depth of 24 inches with no <br />more than 20 inches between ripped intervals. Compacted areas must be chiseled to a minimum <br />depth of 10 inches with no more than 10 inches between chiseled intervals. Two passes with a <br />chisel may be necessary with the second pass at an angle to the first pass. Depending upon the <br />size of soil clods left after ripping and/or chiseling, discing, culti-packing or other operations <br />may be necessary to reduce the size of the clods. The Grantee shall consult with the Primary <br />Contact to inspect the site at this time to make that determination. <br />Callahan Open Space Access and Utility Easement 17 <br />