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Cultural Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 18, 2017 <br />Page 2of4 <br />has not heard from SCFD about getting a 990 EZ form (for grant). Ernie's <br />estimate was approximately $500 to file the form and prepare the Council's <br />taxes. Gina said we could probably budget $1000 for accounting services. The <br />Council does have approximately $21,000 in savings. Almost $9000 is restricted <br />for certain designated purposes. The consensus was that for taxes, the CPA <br />would be appropriate, but for other budgetary duties, the quarterly use of a <br />bookkeeper to advise would be sufficient. Actions: Jennifer will follow up with <br />SCFD about this, and Gina will take steps to set up quarterly reviews by a <br />bookkeeper (perhaps Ernie, as well). Tammy made a motion for this, seconded <br />by Liz. All were in favor. <br />City Council Update – Chris was unable to make the meeting, so the Council <br />passed on this until next time. <br />2017 Programming Updates – <br />• Summer Concerts (Adam) – Adam was out, but did supply some written <br />notes/questions for tonight's meeting. Katie took the lead in addressing <br />the concert season. She went through the various jobs that will need to be <br />filled for each concert, and the expected schedule, as shown in an info <br />sheet. The council discussed how to fill these jobs—parking direction, <br />band set-up, emcee, passing around donation buckets, counting <br />attendance, cleanup, etc. Gina said that we should be utilizing event <br />sheets for concerts this season, and members were in agreement. She <br />also mentioned that we should have some sort of evacuation plan in the <br />event of inclement weather. Katie said she would check with the city if <br />there are already plans/policies in place. She also mentioned that we will <br />need access to an existing supply structure that contains tables, etc, and <br />that she will attempt to get keys for her and Adam. We will also wear LCC <br />hats and name tags, and will have stickers to hand out (these are being <br />handled by Blake).We next discussed musician meals. The Council <br />agreed that Adam can devote certain funds (with certain parameters) to <br />meals. Tammy moved to provide a $900 budget for this (seconded by <br />Blake), and it was adopted by all members. The Council also discussed <br />providing a 1st aid kit, sunscreen, band aids, etc, and Katie said she would <br />follow up. Tammy mentioned we should try also to have a park ranger <br />there to assist with lost children, etc. As to marketing, Blake reported that <br />-- For review -- <br />