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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 15, 2003 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br /> <br />Design Standards and Guidelines. After public meetings were conducted, the Planning <br />Commission drafted code language. The primary intent of the changes proposed is to <br />conserve water used for landscaping, while maintaining a high quality and visually <br />appealing landscape. He outlined the changes as follows: Land Management will <br />conduct landscape inspections; updated recommended plant material lists, limitation of <br />spray head irrigation, reduction of tree requirements; discouragement of earthen berms; <br />requirement to incorporate some xeriscape concept; elimination of fescue grasses in lieu <br />of bluegrass; and decreased minimum size for deciduous shade and ornamental trees. He <br />noted the Planning Commission forwards a unanimous recommendation of approval, <br />without conditions. <br /> <br />Davidson opened the public hearing and asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak <br />for or against Ordinance No. 1422, Series 2003. <br /> <br />Michael Frontczak, 643 Fairfield Lane, Louisville, CO, representing the Horticulture and <br />Forestry Advisory Board, spoke in favor of Ordinance No. 1422, Series 2003. He noted <br />Land Management's City Forester has agreed to make inspections on commercial <br />landscaping proposals, which will provide the expertise in assessing the appropriate mix <br />and balance for future landscaping. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Davidson thanked the Horticulture and Forestry Board for their work on the revisions of <br />the guidelines. He called for public comment and hearing none, closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />City Attorney Sam Light noted the version in the packet is the second reading version. <br /> <br />MOTION: Brown moved that Council approve Ordinance No. 1422, Series 2003, <br />seconded by Keany. Roll call vote was taken. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 20, SERIES 2003 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE <br />BOULDER COUNTY COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COMPREHENSIVE <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (SUPER <br />IGA) -public hearing - (advertised Daily Camera July 10 & 13, 2003) <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation <br /> <br />Deputy City Manager Julie Boyd reported that over the past years most of the <br />municipalities in Boulder County have entered into intergovernmental agreements <br />(IGAs), which jointly define the comprehensive development plans of their neighbors and <br />the County unincorporated land surrounding them. She stated the IGAs were jointly <br />adopted by the various municipalities and the County to cooperatively plan for and <br />regulate land uses to 1) minimize the negative impacts of development on surrounding <br />communities and areas, 2) protect the environment, 3) ensure the preservation of the rural <br />character of unincorporated Boulder County, 4) maintain the separation and unique <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />