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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />February 3, 2004 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />timeline and a range of budgets, which would support the drafting and adopting of a <br />citywide comprehensive plan. He explained a comprehensive plan is the framework, <br />which defines the community vision statement and goals and policies to implement that <br />vision. The timeline and budget are proposed with the intent of meeting the following <br />objectives: <br /> 1) The comprehensive plan process will be structured to maximize citizen <br /> involvement and participation. <br /> 2) The development of a land use element, which will define a vision statement for <br /> the community. The vision statement would address the desired balance of land <br /> uses, both residential and non-residential, their location and appropriate design <br /> character and density as applied to undeveloped and potential re-development <br /> areas such as North Louisville and the South Sub-area. <br /> 3) Consolidation of all sub-area plans, which defines a relationship to all associated <br /> plans and IGA documents. <br /> 4) The citywide comprehensive plan will provide the flexibility to incorporate key <br /> elements of housing, urban design, economic development, public facilities and <br /> utilities, transportation, public safety and parks. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed the proposed elements of securing public participation: <br /> 1) Community-wide scoping and visioning charette. This process would provide <br /> public comment on issues and concerns as well as the ability to define a <br /> community based vision for the future. <br /> 2) Conduct a series of stakeholder interviews with community members and groups <br /> representing various interests. <br /> 3) Conduct a citizen sample survey to assess perception levels of satisfaction <br /> regarding access to services, level of service, land use patterns, and quality of life <br /> issues. <br /> 4) Design and update a project web page to communicate project schedule, <br /> upcoming meeting dates, and links to various contact persons. <br /> 5) A total of three public meetings have been proposed in the project timeline, <br /> including visioning. <br /> <br />Wood addressed the element of implementation and emphasized it would prioritize <br />specific goals. He reviewed spreadsheets, which track the results of interviews conducted <br />by Staff of each of the respective jurisdictions. The results reflect some consistency <br />among the jurisdictions that contracted for professional services. The timeline averaged <br />between 18 and 24 months, and expenditures disclosed range from $125,000 to $210,000. <br />He requested Council authorization for Planning Commission review of the comp plan. <br /> <br />City Manager Bill Simmons reported Staff would require a professional consultant to <br />assist in completing the comp plan that would be in conformance with DRCOG Compact. <br />He stated a budget appropriation is forth coming for Council approval to fund the project. <br />He noted Staff is in the process of writing a RFP for a professional consulting firm. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested a timeline for the completion of a citywide comp plan. Planning <br /> <br /> <br />