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DESIGN <br />CONCEPTS <br />Community + Landscape Architects <br />July 25, 2017 <br />Re: Louisville Recreation Center - Landscape Narrative <br />Planting Design <br />The proposed plant varieties are consistent with the City of Louisville CDDSG Recommended Plant Materials <br />List. They are recommended for Louisville's soil and climate conditions and are consistent with the City's <br />water conservation goals. Plants near the front entrance are selected to provide color and visual interest <br />with extended flowering and varied foliage colors. Parking lot plantings are tough species to withstand <br />reflected heat from the pavement while providing green islands. Shade trees and ornamental shrubs and <br />grasses are provided along the western walkways. The playground on the south side has shade trees, <br />ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, and grasses around the perimeter to make the space inviting and <br />attractive from the inside as well as the outside. Evergreen trees on the south and east sides help buffer <br />views of the parking lot, service areas, and site retaining walls from neighboring residences. <br />Site Retaining Wall Fall Protection <br />The site retaining walls on the south and east sides have a combination of fencing and planting to prevent <br />falls and to soften their appearance. The top tier has a 4' height, 3-rail post and dowel fence with galvanized <br />mesh infill for fall protection. This is the same type of fence that is used at Harper Lake and the Davidson <br />Mesa Dog Park. This prevents accidentally falling over a wall from upslope. Retaining walls below the top <br />tier are protected with a continuous hedge. This deters pedestrians from accessing the areas between tiers, <br />and screens the upper tiers. The lowest tiers have tree and shrub plantings for visual screening. <br />Decorative Paving <br />Concrete flatwork at the main entrance and the sundeck have a decorative paving pattern for visual <br />interest. The paving pattern is integrally colored concrete highlighting a decorative scoring pattern. <br />Integrally colored concrete is extremely durable and maintenance free. It is not a surface coating, but is <br />mixed into the concrete before installation, so its decorative effect remains for the lifetime of the concrete. <br />Playground <br />All the play equipment is relocated from the existing playground. The new play area layouts provide the fall <br />zones required by the play equipment manufacturer. The eastern play area has the play unit designed for 2- <br />5 year olds, the spinning saucer, and poured -in -place rubber surfacing. The western play area has the play <br />unit designed for 5-12 year olds and the swings. Engineered wood fiber surfacing is proposed for the west <br />play area. A concrete pad with the steel shade shelter relocated from the existing playground is located <br />between the two play areas to create a central gathering and supervising space. The playground is fully <br />enclosed with 4' height decorative metal fencing and gates. <br />Site Furnishings <br />Updated benches and trash/recycling receptacles are proposed to coordinate with the new building. <br />Benches and trash receptacles are provided at the main entrance and the playground. Bike parking is <br />standard inverted "U" bike racks that have been already been acquired by the City and will be installed by <br />the contractor. 23 bike racks (for up to 46 bikes) are provided near the main entrance. 11 additional bike <br />racks are provided at two locations on the south side near the playground and the regional path connection. <br />211 North Public Road, Suite 200 <br />Lafayettel14 80026 303.664.5301 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />