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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 15, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Councilor Muckle disagreed with Mr. Waldman's description of the Louisville <br />Middle School as a hodgepodge of buildings of no significance. He noted the old <br />High School was built by the WPA during the depression by mostly local out-of- <br />work miners. He stated the hiistory of the building is significant and noted the <br />Historic Preservation Commission has worked hard on the issues and made <br />proposals for incentives for private preservation of existing residential homes and <br />proposals for commercial buildings. He suggested an open house process <br />where the Historic Preservation Commission, the public and the business <br />community can work togetherr. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella asked for clarification of the resolution's language of <br />economic development. Mayor Sisk explained it was intended for a broad base <br />including the economic development community. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Marsella stated the first two "Whereas" are confusing and <br />suggested striking them. <br />Councilor Sackett voiced his appreciation for the City's museum and preserving <br />history, but objected to the Ciity paying to preserve another's property. He stated <br />the Council has an obligation to maintain a balanced budget and putting <br />restrictions on private properi:y or promising incentives would not be beneficial for <br />the City and would bring falsE; hope to property owners. <br />Councilor Yarnell supported gathering different members from the community <br />together in a panel discussion. <br />Mayor Sisk stated if issues become too intense, it becomes more difficult to <br />make informed decisions. He recommended an educational basis to make some <br />recommendation. <br />Councilor Dalton voiced his belief that the fundamental conflict expressed in the <br />Louisville Middle School public hearing was the rights of the property owner and <br />the desires of the public. He supported the Historic Preservation Commission <br />and panel discussions and requested the resolution not interfere with the ongoing <br />process already in place. <br />Mayor Sisk suggested continuing the motion for further study. There was <br />Council support for continuing the resolution. <br />MOTION: Mayor Sisk movecl to continue Resolution No. 2, Series 2008, to <br />February 19, 2008, secondecl by Councilor Dalton. All in favor. <br />