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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 9th 2017 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />E. The Youth Corps finished working for the City on August 1st. Ember <br />remarked that there was an exceptionally strong, motivated team this year and <br />subsequently it was a great season. One highlight was working on a fence at <br />Damyanovich. <br />F. Staff is working on pond algae control. One aerator is malfunctioning at the <br />Warembourg fishing pond. <br />G. 90% of the design work is done on the two wayfinding trail -alignment <br />projects, one is near Fireside Elementary, and the other is at Coyote Run. Council has <br />approved the funding, so staff is trying to get the work done before winter. <br />H. Staff is working on the agreement for a control burn project for this season. <br />I. There was a closure at the Davidson Mesa Dog Off -leash Area (DOLA) last <br />week due to the rain and mud. Staff heard from three citizens who were upset about the <br />closure. Staff is working on how best to educate citizens on when and why closures <br />occur. One idea is to include the DOLA's status current status on the website, so citizens <br />can check before they visit. The challenge is how to update it on weekends when staff <br />isn't working. Jim asked whether trash is collected from the DOLA on weekends. He <br />recently noticed lots of abandoned plastic jugs there. Aubrey told the board that users <br />leave water jugs there, ostensibly for others to use, but they tend to turn into litter. <br />J. Aubrey Hilte, the new Open Space Ranger introduced herself and reported on <br />what she has observed this summer She talked about the current dog rules enforcement <br />campaign. Staff started with temporary, laminated signs on the properties. They then <br />added sandwich boards at different properties. There was vandalism on the sandwich <br />boards, which she believes came from a single, angry individual. The vandalism has <br />been reported to PD, and staff is logging the amount of time and work it takes to repair <br />the vandalism. For the most part, however, staff has received positive feedback about the <br />campaign. Jim thanked Aubrey, commenting that he has noticed an improvement in dog - <br />related behavior on Open Space. Helen asked if Aubrey if she would supply the board <br />with quasi -regular updates. Fiona asked Aubrey about encroachment issues off Dogwood <br />Ct. Aubrey reported that staff has been deciding how to handle it in concert with code <br />enforcement. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. Helen saw a roadkill elk in Superior. <br />B. Jeff shared information from the City Council 2018 budget session last night. <br />The budget is challenging because a number of costs are hitting at once. Council <br />discussed Open Space issues for a while. The Mayhoffer property purchase will deplete <br />the Open Space and Parks Fund and they discussed how to build it back up. The idea is <br />to have enough of a balance to purchase three properties, if they come available at once, <br />but it will be hard to build the fund back up to that level. Jeff thought it would be helpful <br />to bring the newly -revised "Opportunities for Preserving Open Space and Improving <br />Trail Connectivity" List to Council. <br />Ember announced that staff has a study session with City Council in September <br />and OSAB is invited to attend and participate. Jeff thought it would be useful to give <br />OSAB a presentation about the Open Space and Parks Fund and its dynamics. Helen <br />agreed that the board would like to see this. Council has also been discussing the pivot <br />from using the fund for acquisition to using it for operations and maintenance costs. The <br />3 <br />