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4/19/84 Page -8- <br />a Board was to bring in a broader spectrum <br />of these talented people in our community. <br />If a Board is not appropriate at this time, <br />perYiaps a Task Force that includes these <br />people would be. Mrs. Trementozzi stated <br />that: she would recommend the Task Force <br />and use the expertise of the people mentioned <br />by Councilman Woodson. <br />Motion to Advertise Councilman Woodson moved, Councilman Cussen <br />for CABLE TV Task Force seconded that we advertise that a Cable TV <br />Taslt Force is being established and appli- <br />can~tions are being accepted. <br />Discussion by council that it would be the <br />duties of the Task Force to study the in- <br />formation that has been gathered by the <br />Library and make a recommendation to Council <br />what direction they should take. That the <br />Task Force consist of 11 members. Staff <br />that would be involved - the Librarian and <br />Director Hioco, and that there be no funding <br />this year; but that in the 1985 budget pro- <br />cess a review of the franchise tax from Cable <br />TV be made and see if funding would be avail- <br />able for the Task Force. <br />Motion to Table Mayor Meier moved to table this item until <br />moz-e specifics are worked out. Councilman <br />Lucre seconded the motion. Question called <br />for. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Cak~le TV Task Force to be placed on the next <br />agenda. <br />In reply to Administrator Wurl's question <br />Mayor Meier stated in regard to funding <br />start with the amount of money to run copies <br />of the information gathered by the Library <br />and add 20% for staff time. <br />POW WOW - REPORT Councilmembers had copies of memos from <br />Director Hioco and Administrator Wurl. <br />D~.rector Hioco stated the various uses <br />which could be included for the Pow Wow <br />grounds and the amount of revenues and ex- <br />pe.nditures derived from the uses. <br />Administrator Wurl's memorandum stated the <br />allocation for funds already committed to <br />o~>en space by priority and recommended denial <br />of: the request. He also advised that he had <br />met with the City Manager of Lafayette and <br />hE: thought it was questionable that Lafayette <br />