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3/20/84 Page -3- <br />He did not have good communications equip- <br />ment, no pick-up truck or new police vehicle. <br />People had drawn knives on him on two occas- <br />ions; had been shot at a few times. In 1950 <br />tlhe Korean Vets had used Louisville as a <br />playground; had a lot of fun at his expense. <br />A~t this time the only back-up for him was the <br />Louisville Volunteer Fire Dept. Mr. Wilson <br />stated he planned to quit the force but was <br />persuaded to stay; then he had a heart <br />attack and was unaware that there was a dis- <br />b:ility pension at that time - such as there <br />ins now. The officer that was placed on this <br />fund depleted it and it was never replenished. <br />Consequently this situation should have never <br />occurred. A policeman doesn't have six months <br />to make a decision when he is on the street. <br />At times only has 6 seconds. When he was on <br />t:he force and if someone pulled a knife on <br />him his policy was to shoot first and ask <br />questions later. Mr. Wilson stated that he <br />had tried to get information from the staff <br />as to how long Mr. Barday had been with the <br />Police Dept. but was unable to obtain it. <br />Reiterated that if Mr. Barday had not been <br />given the pension for disability the fund <br />would not be defunct now and he could con- <br />tinue to receive his pension for 20 years <br />service. Thanked Mayor and Council for the <br />opportunity to speak. <br />Herman Fauson, 615 Johnson St. Mr. Fauson requested that Council do the <br />Louisville honorable thing and restore Mr. Wilson's <br />pension. A few weeks ago, Council took <br />a strong stance against House Bill 194. <br />Council stated that they believed in the <br />right to petition your government represen- <br />tatives. Tonight Council could prove .that <br />by considering the petitions before them. <br />David Knight, 11884 Garfield Mr. Knight stated that he was the president <br />Circle, Thornton and owner of Knight Accounting Systems currently <br />located in Thornton. They considered moving <br />to Louisville as they do a tremendous amount <br />of business in the area. He had been made <br />aware of the Arlo Wilson situation and was <br />deeply concerned with a City that has a problem <br />of paying a pension to a man that has served <br /> City for 20 years, of $350 a month. Won- <br />dered if this was the kind of City where he <br />wants to build his business. Stated he wasn't <br />sure if it would be here next week the way <br />things go on. Did not feel Council was being <br />