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<br />RESCHEDULE JANUARY 1, 1985 <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - <br />TERRY L. HUNDLEY <br />Amendment <br />2nd Amendment <br />3rd Amendment <br />AMENDMENTS APPROVED <br />12/4/84 <br />Page -4- <br />our Louisville children be the star that <br />lead's us over that crossroads . She suggesj~.~:~:~ <br />that, the Council decide in favor of the sa1.c.~s <br />tax issue with the proviso that one of the <br />top priorities from that revenue be that the <br />tax expand the library then we can all be <br />proud with good minds. <br />Councilman Luce moved, Mayor Meier seconded <br />that the Council meeting scheduled for Janus.x~y <br />1, 1985 be rescheduled to January 2, 1985. <br />Councilwoman Morris stated that she has <br />school on Wednesday evening. <br />All in favor. Motion mrried unanimously.. <br />Councilmembers had a copy of the agreemen-~ <br />Councilman Leary moved, Councilman Cussen <br />seconded that the Mayor be authorized to <br />sign the employment agreement. <br />Councilman Cussen requested that the agree- <br />ment be amended to read on page 4 - "this <br />agreement shall become effective commencing <br />December 10, 1984, in lieu of December 17, <br />1984. <br />Councilman Luce requested on page 3, section; <br />7. "The Employee shall receive 12 days <br />annua 1y as sick time, etc." with the addi- <br />tion of annually, and this amendment be made. <br />Councilman Leary commented that he assumed <br />that the sick time could accumulate - should <br />this be noted in the agreement? <br />Attorney Rautenstraus stated that perhaps it <br />would be better to state or specify - 12 <br />days annually as sick time during the time <br />of his employment, with said sick time to be <br />accumulated. <br />Mr. Leary then inquired if the City compen:~._- <br />ted for any portion of sick time upon termi~~~ <br />ation under our regular city policy. <br />The reply was 30~ after 36 days of accumulation <br />of sick time. <br />Mayor Meier moved, Councilman Luce seconded <br />that, the above amendments be added to the <br />