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10/16/84 Page -2- <br />Mr. Buechner stated that all these inter- <br />views are to be held in Council Chambers <br />assuring logistics for the open meeting policy. <br />It was his understanding that on November 4th, <br />Su nday afternoon would be spent in deliberation <br />as a group. Mr.. Buechner stated that he and <br />Council were on schedule as planned. Ms. <br />Asti-Caranci has been a big help in sending <br />out :letters to all the applicants and noti- <br />fied those that were not finalists that their <br />applications are being kept on active file. <br />It was his hope that after November 4th and <br />an extensive discussion Council would be <br />able to make their formal selection of one <br />of t:he candidates. <br />Mr. Buechner advised that all the finalists <br />appreciated the fact that we would be sending <br />a packet of information; they were all enthusi- <br />astic; and he must say in all candor they've <br />done quite a bit of research on the community. <br />Some have visited the community already; they <br />have talked with people; and Mr. Buechner felt <br />this was a good sign. They are interested <br />candidates and looking at the total community. <br />Mr. Buechner advised that he had a couple re- <br />quests for minutes of the Council meetings to <br />get an idea of the breadth of the subjects <br />covered. He was sure that most of them would <br />not be surprised at the length of the meetings. <br />He requested that Ms. Asti-Caranci send these <br />to those who wished them. <br />Councilman Luce Inquired if all the applicants indicated that <br />Sunday, November 4th, in the afternoon, would <br />be a possibility - should Council request a <br />second interview. <br />The reply was that Mr. Hundley and Mr. Forbes <br />coming in on Saturday did. But since the <br />others are in Colorado, he felt could be called <br />and they would come in. <br />Councilman Leary Inquired what Hundley, Forbes and Bifoss had <br />beers told about the reception - would this be <br />Saturday afternoon? <br />Mr. Buechner stated that he had advised them <br />to plan on the full day and not plan an immedi- <br />ate return trip. This needs to be worked out <br />with community people. All the applicants <br />liked the flexibility of .the schedule so that <br />they could view the community and talk with <br />people. <br />