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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />August 17, 2004 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />received from the Federal Home Loan Bank. The Boulder City Council had approved an <br />amendment to ensure that the housing will remain affordable. He noted Thistle is dealing <br />with a single investor. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Council member Brown asked if the City of Louisville is the only municipality being <br />asked to assist in this financial proposal. Miripol confirmed Louisville is the only <br />municipality being asked, after which Thistle will ask Boulder County for assistance. <br /> <br />Robert Schultz, First Vice President, Kirkpatrick Pettis, representing Thistle Community, <br />referred to the memo from the City's Bond Counsel relative to the City's risk. He stated a <br />conduit issuer is not subject to legal obligations. <br /> <br />Council member Brown asked if this would have any adverse affect on the city. <br />Assistant City Manager for Governmental Relations Heather Balser explained <br />municipalities may issue 10 million dollars in bonds on behalf of a borrower under Bank- <br />Qualified Bond authorization. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested the name of the single investor. Schultz responded US Bank. <br /> <br />Council member Marsella stated she was not familiar with this type of financing, but <br />liked the project. She asked if they would be willing to enter into the agreement <br />recommended by the City's Bond Counsel. Schultz stated there is language in the <br />agreement to protect the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk asked why the Thistle Community did not go to the City of Boulder. Mr. <br />Miripol stated the City of Boulder typically has their BQ earmarked for other matters. <br />He explained if the BQ is not used it is not carried over to the next year. <br /> <br />Council member Keany stated his understanding that a fee would be paid to the City by <br />the organization borrowing the money. Schultz stated the fee is negotiable. <br /> <br />Council member Keany stated there may be a benefit to the City. <br /> <br />City Manager Simmons asked for clarification that the money will be used for <br />improvements to the property and asked if the mobile home park land would be used for <br />collateral. Schultz confirmed the money would be used for improvements to the mobile <br />home park and the land would be used for collateral. <br /> <br />City Attorney Sam Light explained an ordinance would be required and requested a <br />Council motion to authorize Staff to negotiate and finalize the documents. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council member Brown moved that Council direct Staff, the City Attorney <br />and Bond Counsel, to negotiate with Thistle and move the transaction forward. Council <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />