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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />August 17, 2004 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />member Marsella seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. The motion passed by a <br />vote of 5-1. Council member Keany voted no. Council member Clabots was absent. <br /> <br />Council member Keany suggested Council establish a policy to address these types of <br />requests. He stated with such creative financing many non-profits may come forward in <br />the future and he would like to have a policy in place. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 37, SERIES 2004, A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR FAMILY RECOVERY CENTERS AT 385 S. <br />PIERCE AVENUE, LOT 9, BLOCK 7, CTC, FIRST FILING <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested a Staff presentation. <br /> <br />Planning Director Paul Wood explained the applicant, Dave Larsen, with Family <br />Recovery Centers, proposes a facility to provide support service for teenagers recovering <br />from substance abuse and their parents. Their proposal provides a range of services, <br />including one-on-one counseling, group counseling, study hall, after school activities and <br />weekend and evening social events and activities. Wood noted while the zoning code <br />does not include the exact match of a use group classification for this type of operation, <br />such a use is allowed through review and approval of a special review use (SRU) in most <br />zoning districts, including Industrial zoning. <br /> <br />Wood summarized the applicant proposes to locate in an existing building in CTC, First <br />Filing, at the northwest comer of Cherry Street and Pierce Avenue. The building, owned <br />by the O'Connor Group, is approximately 42,000 SF, and the proposed tenant space <br />would be 6,200 SF at the southwest comer of the building. The application contains a <br />description of the types of services and activities that would occur in the facility. The <br />facility is not being treated as a "teen center" as the operation is very different and does <br />not allow for drop-in customers. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed the applicant's parking requirements of 50+ could be obtained by a <br />shared parking agreement with another building under the same ownership. He noted <br />there are 65 parking spaces in the "common" area between the two buildings, which <br />would be more than adequate to meet the evening and weekend peak parking needs. <br /> <br />Wood noted the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on July 22, 2004 and <br />recommended approval with one condition related to the shared parking agreement. <br /> <br />Mayor Sisk requested an Applicant presentation. <br /> <br />Dave Larsen, Family Recovery Centers, stated he would address Council questions. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br /> <br /> <br />