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Senior Advisory Board Minutes 2008 08 19
2008 Senior Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Senior Advisory Board Minutes 2008 08 19
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11/13/2008 2:35:00 PM
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SABMIN 2008 08 19
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Senior Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />819 9108 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Martin sold [t will not be dec[ded whether the City will pay for senior lunches until <br />the City budget is approved in November. <br />Staff Reports-Claudine Low <br />Claudine handed out the Quarterly Update and the Goad Neighbors report. <br />There was a typo on the amount the Senior Board gave to Volunteer <br />Appreciation. The correct amount is $2100. There was a lot of good feedback <br />on the Volunteer Appreciation event. Claudine distributed some of the yellow <br />"senior volunteer" T-shirts that were purchased with money from the "Touch a <br />Truck" bake sale. She reminded the Board that the new Director of Parks and <br />Recreation is Joe Stevens. Numbers of attendees at the Senior Center stayed <br />steady during the summer, though usually they go down. We've increased the <br />number of newsletters to 2,300 due to requests. The mailing list is about 1,700. <br />We're d[stributing also to the hospital, the library and City Hall, The Colorado <br />Association of Senior Centers (which Claudine is Past Co-Chair) is accepting <br />nominations for Awards in the following: Outstanding New Professional, <br />Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding Facility Design or Renovation, Outstanding <br />Partnership and Best Marketing. Claudine will send nominafion information fo <br />Connie. <br />The positions of Claire Van Meter, Linda Jackson and Barbara Peterson will be <br />up for election at the Board's annual meeting on November 12. Helen McDonald, <br />Bobbie Fisher and Jim PurFurst were on last year's Nominating Committee. Jim <br />P and Bobbie F were suggested for this year. Connie will call Bobbie F. Claire F <br />suggested Richard and June Cohen. Kathy Martin reminded Board members <br />that the Recreation Center would be closed from August 25 to September 2 for <br />annual maintenance. <br />Focus Groups <br />A. Housing----Bob Pierce <br />The Housing Committee met recently, Bob and Walt will see Paul Woods <br />tomorrow about the Comprehensive Plan and, if necessary, will go to Alice <br />Hansen thereafter. They have some questions about the Camp Plan Bob <br />handed out copies of the Housing Committee's proposed additions to the <br />verbiage in the hous[ng section of the Comp Plan. These include renovation of <br />homes in Old Tawn by Flatirons Habitat for Humanity and Louisville volunteers, <br />residential development to support the spectrum of housing needs (housing for <br />downsizing seniors, the disabled, starter homes, etc.); city should evaluate new <br />and existing residential usage to ensure a housing mix that responds to the <br />needs of residents and employees; 25% of new housing development must have <br />interior doorway access for walkers, no steps at entranceway, main level <br />bedroom and bath, etc, Housing committee will reseed fhe letter they sent to the <br />Council last year. Claire F commented that the city needs a new housing <br />ordinance or nothing will happen. Walt O .pointed out that a change from <br />"consider" to "require" in the second paragraph of the Plan's housing section <br />would oblige the city to ac#, Barbara W asked if the City had anything in the Plan <br />
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