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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />June 13, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />D. It has been difficult to find seasonal employees but 2 seasonals have been hired <br />and will start next week (usually start by mid -April) <br />E. Staff is working on county cross -jurisdictional agreement for Callahan property so <br />that Louisville Rangers can enforce violations on land outside of the City limits <br />but owned jointly between Louisville and the county. There has been some <br />discussions about opening the western portion of the Callahan property to the <br />public. This portion is currently not being farmed & has a lot of social trails. <br />F. Dispatch procedures are being updated for better communications between <br />Louisville Rangers, Louisville Police Department, and the Dispatch Center. <br />VI. Board Updates <br />A. Fiona reported that a discussion about petitioning the City to establish off -leash <br />trails in Louisville took place on the Hillsborough North community bulletin board <br />a few weeks ago. Fiona recommended that data and feedback from Boulder <br />OSMP should be presented if the public request that this topic be discussed. <br />B. Fiona reported that the Dogs & Recreation joint Tiger Team with PPLAB has <br />been evaluating reports and information from other communities and will present <br />Best Practices proposal for Louisville at the next meeting. <br />C. Jim reported that water and a large bag of tennis balls was present at Davidson <br />Mesa Dog Off -Leash Area recently. Fiona suggested that enforcement be <br />stepped up during the summer, when DOLA is open more hours. <br />D. Peter attended Noxious Week presentation at Harper Lake and noted it was <br />excellent. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda <br />No public members present. <br />VIII. Discussion Item: Introduction of Tom Seagroves, Open Space Technician III and <br />Cody Thompson, Ranger Naturalist <br />Tom: from Delta CO, past site manager of Bluff Lake Nature Center at old Stapleton site <br />in Denver, started mid -May. Current projects include catching up with mowing, trash, trail <br />and ditch repair due to May rains. Helen asked about mowing on North Open Space - <br />Ember reported that the department is behind on mowing due to having to switch efforts <br />to urgent repairs; she also noted that it will take 2-3 passes of mowing rather than the <br />one pass it would have needed early in the season. <br />Cody: has a degree from CSU Natural Resource Management; worked at Larimer <br />County for 2 seasons as well as Catalina Island, CA for a season (lots of tourist <br />interactions). He started in early May and is working on the encroachment campaign <br />with a focus on educating the public. He enjoys the diversity in his role. He's currently <br />mapping encroachment by Ward (1, 2, then 3) & sending letters which serve as a formal <br />warning. Re -check will be done 2 weeks later for offending properties. David suggested <br />a longer time -frame given summer vacations. Joe mentioned a Revocable License for <br />encroachments that have a historical basis or significance. Helen asked if City compost <br />site could be opened more often. Joe said this was Public Works issue. Helen asked if <br />